Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mattis Claus

Mattis is starting to love christmas
He loves Santa and we have seen the Santa Clause movies too many times to count. He also loves the Grinch and Elf. Anything with Santa is a hit
He will look at a picture point to his head and saw Santa Chapeau he loves to wear the Santa hat as well. He sees all the Santa's everywhere.
Every morning we need to watch something with Santa in it.
It sure brings out the child in me seeing his joy for Santa. I wonder if I got that excited when I was his age. It is like I get to believe in Santa and have the joy of wonder again through new eyes.
Christmas morning should be fun this year.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Mattis first jack-o-lantern

Here is Mattis adding colour to his first jack o lantern

Don't worry daddy did the carving

He was happy colouring the pumpkin it is in the window of the house but will go out tonight with a tealight in it for Mattis to see.

He went to the pumpkin patch with Mel and I and picked the pumpkin he wanted.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Early halloween event

This was at the safety village in Brantford
Mattis had fun with his first Trick or Treat experience.

Couldn't understand to say Trick or Treat but knew to hold out the bag
We went with Michele and Doug and his little friend Keighan

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another wonder of why

I always think I see everything and the nope something else rears its head

Notice the cables ran in to a switch cupboard not punched in to the panel. Why would you not take the time someone will plug in and nothing my question is where do these run. Joys of inheriting a networking mess.

This was the icing on the cake with this project
or so I thought.  Changed the IP on the switches that had no IP addresses for them other than the default.  Changed  it only to find out that the old Antique AS/400 went offline it had a ghost IP in it that was used for connecting. 

The AS/400 was last updated in 1994 it has version 8 current OS is 28.1,  I am waiting for it to die so they will update the Production management at 500.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fun at the Burford fair

On Sunday we went to the Burford fair.
Mattis and his cousing Tristan had a blast.

Mattis loves the rides he wanted to go on the Go-Cator a small roller coaster and was upset because he was to small.

He loves rides like daddy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mattis blowing bubbles

Mattis blowing bubbles with Grandpa Jacques and Uncle Doug


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mattis Video of Pictures for Birthday and a look back at 2 years

Here is a little collection of pictures I have put together for Mattis's 2nd Birthday

It is hard to believe the little guy is turning 2.  I have no idea where the time has gone.

When I looked back through the pictures it is amazing what I forgot from the past 2 years.

He is accomplished so much in the past 2 years and has done so much.
He now has his own personality that is for sure and he loves to be silly.
He loves Cars, Star Wars, Mickey Mouse and Toy Story  yes he is my son that is for sure.

He also loves to watch Bambi as well.

He discoverd my Star Wars stuff in the basement when I brought it to the new place from being stored at my Mums for several years.  Eevery time he is downstairs with me he needs to go get to guys to take upstairs to play with.  He now has about 20 figures upstairs and several ships. 

A few nights ago I put in the original Star Wars he was glued to the TV watching it contently.  When Darth Vader enters the blockade runner he turned to me and said "Darth".  The funny thing is i didn't tell him who it was.  Then everytime he saw him for the 1/2 hour we watched he would say "Darth".

I would have let him  watch the rest but it was bedtime.

Over the past 2 years Mattis has been to Quebec City numerous times.
He has been skating sort of he was in the sled
Snowshoeing the same
Swimming, Boat Rides, To our Nations Capital. 
He has been camping twice.
These are just a few of his many andventures.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mattis Eating a smile cookie

Mattis eating a smile cookie from Tim Hortons

Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bell and there incompetence

Had no cell service today. Well sort of text and Data worked but not voice.

I had my cell phones and home phone under a Bell one account. Dropped home phone over a year ago do to terrible lines where we were living when it rained we had no phone or internet. Bell said there is nothing they could do since the lines weren't slated to be replaced. So I switched everything to Rogers but my cell phones.

I guess at somepoint over the summer they decided that I no longer needed a one bill and put my cell phones on a new account number. When I phoned today I was informed that I hadn't paid them in over 2 months. They can see the money in the One Bill account but can't access it. Because one bill is a different company. The put in a request for a cheque from One Bill. I have got them to re-activate my phone and told them when I get the cheque from One Bill they will have the rest of what is owed. It is my screw up I was told not there's.

I would like to know how they can change your account number and fail to tell you, and it is your fault as you are supposed to know. They also told me there is nothing they can do. I wonder if this could be construde as a breach of contract and I can switch to Rogers. They likely have some loop-hole to protect themselves in some weird way

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mattis and the Charger

I rented through work a charger for our trip to Kentucky Melanie came along with me and Mr. Mattis stayed with Nana

He had to bring the Froggies to see the car as well

Here he is taking it for a spin ... he was in heaven

A true oxy-moron fancy not

This was at a Mcdonalds in Kentucky

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Account Lock Out problems in a domain enviroment

The user account has been automatically locked because too many invalid logon attempts or password change attempts have been requested.

We can run the LockoutStatus.exe on domain controller to identify and investigate the account lockout issue.
Troubleshooting tools:
By using this tool, we can gather and displays information about the specified user account including the domain admin's account from all the domain controllers in the domain. In addition, the tool displays the user's badPwdCount value on each domain controller. The domain controllers that have a badPwdCount value that reflects the bad password threshold setting for the domain are the domain controllers that are involved in the lockout. These domain controllers always include the PDC emulator operations master.
You may download the tool from the link
Once we confirm the problematic computer, we can perform further research to locate the root cause. Actually, there are many possible causes for bad password, such as cached password, schedule task, mapped drives, services, etc. Please remove the previous password cache which may be used by some applications and therefore cause the account lockout problem.
Troubleshooting steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, type "control userpasswords2" (without the quotation marks), and then click OK.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Click the "Manage Password" button.
4. Check to see if these domain account's passwords are cached. If so, remove them.
5. Check if the problem has been resolved now.
Please download the Account Lockout and Management Tools:
Account Lockout and Management Tools
Please Note: Aloinfo.exe included in the above package helps display all local services and the account used to start them.
Please logon the problematic client computer as the Local Administrator and run the following command:
Aloinfo.exe /stored >C:\CachedAcc.txt
Then check the C:\CachedAcc.txt file. If there is any application or service is running as the problematic user account, please disable it and then check whether the problem occurs.
For your convenience, I'd like to list the common troubleshooting steps and resolutions for account lockouts as the following:
Common Causes for Account Lockouts
To avoid false lockouts, please check each computer on which a lockout occurred for the following behaviors:
Many programs cache credentials or keep active threads that retain the credentials after a user changes their password.
Service accounts:
Service account passwords are cached by the service control manager on member computers that use the account as well as domain controllers. If you reset the password for a service account and you do not reset the password in the service control manager, account lockouts for the service account occur. This is because the computers that use this account typically retry logon authentication by using the previous password. To determine whether this is occurring, look for a pattern in the Netlogon log files and in the event log files on member computers. You can then configure the service control manager to use the new password and avoid future account lockouts.
Bad Password Threshold is set too low:
This is one of the most common misconfiguration issues. Many companies set the Bad Password Threshold registry value to a value lower than the default value of 10. If you set this value too low, false lockouts occur when programs automatically retry passwords that are not valid. Microsoft recommends that you leave this value at its default value of 10. For more information, see "Choosing Account Lockout Settings for Your Deployment" in this document.
User logging on to multiple computers:
A user may log onto multiple computers at one time. Programs that are running on those computers may access network resources with the user credentials of that user who is currently logged on. If the user changes their password on one of the computers, programs that are running on the other computers may continue to use the original password. Because those programs authenticate when they request access to network resources, the old password continues to be used and the users account becomes locked out. To ensure that this behavior does not occur, users should log off of all computers, change the password from a single location, and then log off and back on.
Stored user names and passwords retain redundant credentials:
If any of the saved credentials are the same as the logon credential, you should delete those credentials. The credentials are redundant because Windows tries the logon credentials when explicit credentials are not found. To delete logon credentials, use the Stored User Names and Passwords tool. For more information about Stored User Names and Passwords, see online help in Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family.
Scheduled tasks:
Scheduled processes may be configured to using credentials that have expired.
Persistent drive mappings:
Persistent drives may have been established with credentials that subsequently expired. If the user types explicit credentials when they try to connect to a share, the credential is not persistent unless it is explicitly saved by Stored User Names and Passwords. Every time that the user logs off the network, logs on to the network, or restarts the computer, the authentication attempt fails when Windows attempts to restore the connection because there are no stored credentials. To avoid this behavior, configure net use so that is does not make persistent connections. To do this, at a command prompt, please type net use /persistent:no. Alternately, to ensure current credentials are used for persistent drives, disconnect and reconnect the persistent drive.
Active Directory replication:
User properties must replicate between domain controllers to ensure that account lockout information is processed properly. You should verify that proper Active Directory replication is occurring.
Disconnected Terminal Server sessions:
Disconnected Terminal Server sessions may be running a process that accesses network resources with outdated authentication information. A disconnected session can have the same effect as a user with multiple interactive logons and cause account lockout by using the outdated credentials. The only difference between a disconnected session and a user who is logged onto multiple computers is that the source of the lockout comes from a single computer that is running Terminal Services.
Service accounts:
By default, most computer services are configured to start in the security context of the Local System account. However, you can manually configure a service to use a specific user account and password. If you configure a service to start with a specific user account and that accounts password is changed, the service logon property must be updated with the new password or that service may lock out the account.
Internet Information Services:
By default, IIS uses a token-caching mechanism that locally caches user account authentication information. If lockouts are limited to users who try to gain access to Exchange mailboxes through Outlook Web Access and IIS, you can resolve the lockout by resetting the IIS token cache. For more information, see "Mailbox Access via OWA Depends on IIS Token Cache" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
MSN Messenger and Microsoft Outlook:
If a user changes their domain password through Microsoft Outlook and the computer is running MSN Messenger, the client may become locked out. To resolve this behavior, see "MSN Messenger May Cause Domain Account Lockout After a Password Change" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
For more information, please refer to the following link:
Troubleshooting Account Lockout
Account Passwords and Policies in Windows Server 2003

Monday, July 4, 2011

Stupidity at its best .. Darwin award coming soon

I saw today pure idiocy. We were near Val-Cartier military base in Quebec.

A young guy on his motorcycle with his girlfriend on back pulled in between two cars at a stop light on the road. He was talking to the other that wasn't the idiotic move that comes next.

Once the light turned green he guns it racing in between the 2 vehicles a car and a truck. As he gets past at 30 k or so pulling away faster he pops a wheeley still accelerating up to at least 80 km/h for at least 300 M.

Next Darwin award will be awarded to this young man soon if he keeps it up.

How would he have lived with himself if he lost control or the girl fell off is what I wonder as I am writing this. Some people just don't think that is for sure.

I just pray my son doesn't do anything like that because I don't, know what I would do

Stephen Duncan
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

Friday, June 17, 2011

You know an all in one is old when

If you take a close look you see there is a floppy

The other part is there is no NIC nor does it have capabilities for it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Front Garden

Here is a little pic of our front garden
It finally looks finished now that the driveway is in

But like any garden it is a work in progress

Monday, May 30, 2011

Having fun at the park in Paris

On Saturday we went to the park and had a little fun with Mattis

He loved the slides and being on the yellow bug
Stephen Duncan

He loved it when we were on the bug with him as well.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Camping May 24 2011 at Charleston Lake

On May 24 we met Mel's Parents and Aunt Carol and Uncle Marc-Andre at Charleston Lake near Kingston. Mattis had a blast here he is working on or destroying not quit sure his first sand castle

The 3 of us

Tristan (Nephew Mel and I) Mattis and Melanie

The crew on our own temporary island having lunch

Charleston lake has many little islands

Monday, March 28, 2011

Duncan Computer Services: UPS Scam Virus

Duncan Computer Services: UPS Spam Virus: "There is a new scam going around so please don’t open the attachment just delete the e-mail The Subject of the E-mail is United Parcel Servi..."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mattis eating sushi

Mattis tried crab sushi and wasn't quiet sure.  The Crab is not raw he pulled out the crab and ate it but the outer seaweed part he didn't like it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cleaning Mattis Man

Here is a video of the little guy cleaning He  has discovered the broom and has to help out.
He is great know but when he is older and want him to hlep out it will be another story that is for sure.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mattis and his tools

We got these today at Ikea he picked them out and well he played with them for almost an hour he figured it out all by himself

He is my little builder I guess he has been watching me hang and put together stuff in the house

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chicken scapanapoli with Alfredo

2 Boneless Chicken Breasts
1 bottle Alfredo Sundried tomato and basil sauce
1/2 Bottle Alfredo Sauce
1 pack Alfredo or Rotini Noodles
4 Slices of Prosciutto
1/2 Ball of Real Mozarella chesse
2 dashes of Basil
1 teaspoon Teriyaki Spice
4 oz of Rye or Jack Daniels
2 tsp. Of Olive Oil
1 tsp of Balsamic Vinegar
Cut chicken in to thin slices that are easy for grilling in a 9 x13 dish or smaller place sliced chicken. In a measuring cup combine 3/4 of Sundried Alfredo sauce Rye or JD and 1 dash of Basil with Teriyaki spice. Mix together and pour over chicken. Flip chicken so it is covered in marinate. Sprinkle 1 dash of Basil over chicken and sauce. Place in fridge for several hours to marinate
Fry chicken in medium sauce pan with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar

Lay chicken flat in 9x13 dish or smaller. Slice Mozarella cheese in to thin slices and lay over chicken. Place the four slices of Prosciutto over the cheese and chicken. Sprinkle remainder of sauce over top. Place in oven at 350F for about 10-15 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Cook noodles until cooked and combine the desired amount of sauce to the cooked noodles.
Cut and serve the Prosciutto and Chicken with noodles beside.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mattis Man Cleaning

Here are a few videos of Mattis Man
Mattis Cleaning the Island

He loves to help Here is cleaning the island in the kitchen
He also loves to hele load the dishwasher


Here is laughing with Elmo .. that is his tickle me elmo

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It is amazing the world we live in at times when everything is judged by the dollar and how much can we make. We forget the most important thing in life health and family.

We work to live and spend more time stressing about work and life then we do enjoying life.

We let others control our lives not ourselves. We are controlled by work the media the church whatever is around us.

I sometimes wonder what is the point to it all there has to be a better way.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mattis Eating with a spoon

The little guy is growing he is now learning how to eat with a spoon and also be silly at the same time as well but ... it is a joy that is for sure