Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Challenges of Fatherhood

I have learned that being a father can bring great joy.  I have 2 boys my oldest is 5 1/2.  but according to him 5.  my youngest is 18 months according to my oldest 1.

Kids are so precise there is no grey it is all black and white,  I guess as we get older we understand the black and white is there but there can be gray scale in our life as well; but for a child it is all black and white.

I know we want to teach them right from wrong and how to make decisions on their own but do we teach them or do they teach us.  Sometimes I wonder.   They test us they try our patience in what we say.  My oldest is now being defiant and trying my patience along with my wives.  He will also say no after much argumentation and confrontation he gives in to us.

Tonight I told him enough is enough he is old enough to wash his face himself. He got mad and said NO.  The biggest problem is as the school years winds down and many early mornings as of late he is exhausted.  But according to him he is not.

I have learned that reasoning with a child is near impossible you need to make compromises and have them understand why.

I often wonder am I doing what is right by being firm and taking items away and threatening to not do something to make a point.  We take his computer away or his tablet, he has a fit but is he learning by our actions.  Or is it just a justification for us that we are wining the tiny battles or his he the one winning by gaining our attention since he sees us so little with us both working.

I have seen love in him and the desire to emulate both my wife and I in what we do,  He loves drawing and creating with both of us he goes in to my wife's art studio to create he wants to be like her.  He will draw with me and asks me why do I always draw castles or waterfalls.  That is a question I wish I could answer. I know I like drawing them but he tells me I need to draw other things.  I did in the past i guess it is just a stage I am going through.

Enough about me.  Fatherhood has changed me that is for sure it teaches us to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What Parenthood has taught me Part 2

I  wrote the first chapter of this one when Mattis was under a year and now that Mattis is 2 half as he says I thought it was time for chapter 2 on this subject.

1. That he picks up on anything he hears and says it when you least expect it. example he loves watching Back to Future and he has picked up on the magazine that Biff has in the second one Oh la la and no says it out of the blue.

2. He loves the following movies since they have cars and trains in them, Back to the Future series and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to name a few.
we have had to resort to saying he can dream about Doc and Marty or Chitty when we put him to bed because he wants to watch Back to the Future or Chitty over and over.  Tonight he was in a silly mood and said he will dream of Back Future and Mayonaise.  As i said out of the blue comes stuff that makes no sense.

3. There is a Star Wars movie with a frog in it when he asks to watch the Star Wars with the frog it is Episode I Jar Jar is the frog.

4. That they pick up on technology with ease he can now work the tablet and download and surf the web.

5. That when he wants something there is now changing his mind unless  you distract him with silliness by acting like a monkey or being iron man and eating him.  I do this by using a deep voice and a combination of the beginning of Iron man by Black Sabbath.

6. That he wants to be just like you he now has to shave every morning like daddy.  I remember doing that with my dad.

7. That the simple things are amazing such as Ants or even a leaf on a walk.  That the inquisitive little eyes see everything and the little years hear all.
If you say  something they repeat it like parrots and is what you don't want them too.

8.  That they bring out your child and you do things you would not have done before like be a monkey or just be silly.  They break down the walls we build up being adults.

9.  That you have quick reflexes when you need to protect them you become their superhero.

10.  That you need to draw his favourite characters over and over again whether you want to or not.

11. That he is always there to help and that he will just make toast because he can reach the bread and stick  it in the toaster.  He doesn't want  toast he just wants to watch the  bread pop.

12.   That your food is his food what you have is better than what is on his plate even if it is identical.

13.  That everything in the world needs to be now no questions asked.

14.  That when you are tired you can sleep anywhere that a new toy makes a good bedtime companion.

15.  That when you start something it needs to be routine.  I started having his stuffed puppy kiss him good night by pretending to lick him like a puppy and now it is nightly.. I now need to kiss the puppy and the froggy's and Mattis good night as well.

16. That he can only go to bed when he has everyone in bed with him 2 froggy's, puppy, Grinch, stuffed lighting Mcqueen and 1 stuffed Doc car.
Yes the bed is crowded and from time to time a car needs to join the party.

17.  That it is impossible to keep the house clean all the time. you clean and he has to bring out more toys or whatever.

18. That it is easy when you go full speed ahead your legs or head can get ahead of you and boom.

19. That the simple things are worth laughing about.

20. That when you ask  what they want it is usually the same thing to eat.

All in all I enjoy fatherhood and what it brings to life the enjoyment it brings. I always love coming home to him or picking him up from daycare or school as he calls it.  Because he is a big boy now!

He is my world and I am his world he loves just being with his parents.  That the world should be simpler and we all need to stop and admire it since we forget so many things as we get older and that we just don't have time for the simple things in life.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Remembering Origine Verret 1924 - 2012

Origine was the Grandfather of my wife Melanie and the Father of her Dad Jacques Verret

À l’hôpital Chauveau, le 23 mars 2012, à l’âge de 87 ans, est décédé monsieur Origène Verret, fils de feu
Joseph Verret et de feu Bernadette Renaud. Il était l’époux de Mme Aline Goulet et en première noces feu
Trèfla Couture. Il demeurait à Saint
Le lundi 26 mars 2012 de 14h à 17h et de 19h à 22h. Le La famille recevra les condoléances en
présence du corps à la Résidence Funéraire Réjean Hamel Inc. 6161, rue de Pomerol, Saint
(Québec) G3E 1X3 le mardi 27 mars 2012 de 10h à 13h45. Le s
27 mars 2012 à 14h en l’église de Saint
aura lieu à une date ultérieure au cimetière paroissial de Saint
Résidence Funéraire Réjean Hamel Inc.
Il laisse dans le deuil, outre son épouse, ses enfants; Jacques (Louise Beaupré), Gérald (Louisette Sirois
feu Carole (Jean-Pierre Tremblay), Estelle (Pierre Soly), Marc
Laurent (Guylaine Leclerc). Les enfants de sa conjointe
Nicole (François Charette), Serge (Henriette Audet), Lise (Jean
Johanne (Guy Villeneuve). Ses petits
François, Andrée-Anne, Catherine, Stéphanie, Jessica, Jonathan.
Ses frères et soeurs; Gemma (feu Dominique Drouin), feu Léandre (Madeleine Richard), Gertrude (feu
Gaston Cloutier), feu Émile (Marie Verret), Ernest (Adeline Henry), feu Gilles (Colette Gignac), Clothilde
(Maurice Fitzback), et Gisèle (Claude Lévesque). Ses beaux
feu Paul-Eugène (Jacqueline Verret), Irène (feu Émilien Fréchette) et André (Denise Gingras), ainsi que ses
nombreux arrière-petits-enfants, cousins et cousines, neveux et nièces et ami(e)s.
Un remerciement au personnel de l’Hôpital Laval et de l’Hôpital Chauveau pour leur dévouement et leurs
bons soins.
Vos témoignages de sympathies peuvent se traduire par un don à la Fondation des maladies du coeur ou à
la Fondation de l’Hôpital Laval, des formulaires seront dispo
Pour renseignements : téléphone : 418
Courriel :
Verret, Origène
(1924 - 2012)
Saint-Émile, Québec.
service religieux sera célébré le mardi
Saint-Émile (1596, avenue Lapierre) Saint-Émile, QC
Saint-Émile, sous la direction de la
Marc-André (Carole Willett), Julie (Jean Bouchard),
: Marcelle (Vital Vaillancourt), Yvon (Marie Marquis),
Jean-Guy Larouche), Roselyne (Pierre Gagné) et
petits-enfants; Mélanie, Christine, Éric, Daniel, Patricia, Caroline, Jean
beaux-frères et belles-soeurs de la famille Couture;
onnel disponibles au salon lors des condoléances
418-845-6161 télécopieur : 418-845-8920
Site internet :
Service QC. L’inhumation