Monday, July 4, 2011

Stupidity at its best .. Darwin award coming soon

I saw today pure idiocy. We were near Val-Cartier military base in Quebec.

A young guy on his motorcycle with his girlfriend on back pulled in between two cars at a stop light on the road. He was talking to the other that wasn't the idiotic move that comes next.

Once the light turned green he guns it racing in between the 2 vehicles a car and a truck. As he gets past at 30 k or so pulling away faster he pops a wheeley still accelerating up to at least 80 km/h for at least 300 M.

Next Darwin award will be awarded to this young man soon if he keeps it up.

How would he have lived with himself if he lost control or the girl fell off is what I wonder as I am writing this. Some people just don't think that is for sure.

I just pray my son doesn't do anything like that because I don't, know what I would do

Stephen Duncan
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