Another year is becoming history or the past however you want to look at it.
I still find it amazing at how quick a year seems to go the older you get it seems like summer was yesterday but now it is Christmas that is almost tomorrow. In January or even August, Christmas seems so far away. As I sit here looking back on the year that was and wishing people Merry Christmas I wonder why does time have to fly. The memories of the past year are with us but we will never live them the same again.
We can try to relive the past but it is never the same as we remember no matter how we try to recreate the memories, or redo them. But that is nice because each time it is a new memory to add to the old one.
Over the past year my little buddy has grown to become more of a little boy than a baby. You can now carry on a conversation with him. At times it makes no sense but they are funny little conversations that is for sure.
Out of his mind comes things from his past and the small things still amaze him the other night on our walk we went past a house that had a musical light display he was dancing away to the music and commenting on the lights. Three days later he is still talking about how the lights blinked to the music and how the reindeer's head turned around.
It is still amazing to relive life through the eyes of a child the mind that is not corrupted by society the world that is still new and full of wonder and new experiences.
It is a real joy watching a child grow up before your eyes and bring back your child hood. They are your world and you are theirs.
He just loves Christmas and Santa Claus and the whole idea behind Santa as he amazed every time he sees Santa wether it be stuffed or blown up or the mall santa.