In the night there is a person of beauty
In the night there is the most ravishing beauty in the world
In the night this raven haired beauty with silky hair
Dances with Dragon
The creature is as a tame as a kitty around her
The raven haired dancer rides atop the dragon
With her beauty radiating for the world to see
The Dragon Dancer atop the Dragon
The two together creating a poetic dance
The two together flowing as one
The Dragon is not in control nor is the Dragon Dancer
The beauty of the two together is pure heaven
It is like a scene made in heaven
The two are one
The Dancer atop the Dragon with her silky hair blowing in the wind
The dragon at peace with dancer
These two together bring a calm to the world around them
The Dragon and the Dancer as one
The Dancer atop so beautiful the Dragon Dancer controlling the Dragon
The Dragon Dancer displays confidence out of this world
The Dragon Dancer together with the Dragon
The Dragon Dancer taming the world around her
The Dragon dancer in complete control of the world around her
The Dragon Dancer so at peace she is aware of those that care for her
The Dragon Dancer so majestic upon the dragon her trust stead
The Dragon Dancer holding the key between worlds
The Dragon Dancer so miraculous upon her dragon
The Dragon Dancer the essence of life
The Dragon Dancer in control of the world around her
The Dragon Dancer my love
The Dragon Dancer my friend
The Dragon Dancer the truth in my life
The Dragon Dancer I am proud to call my life mate
Together the Dragon Dancer and I are one
Together we are equals above nothing else
The Dragon Dancer embraced in my arms
The Dragon Dancer in the arms of her dragon
In the Arms of her Dragon forever
And the Dragon in the embrace of the Dancer