Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Scenic Water Falls in Haliburton Post 2 - Ritchie Falls

The Canadian Shield hosts many wonderful Waterfalls in the Haliburton Region here is anohter one

Scenic Water Falls in Haliburton Post 1 - Buttermilk Falls

The rocky terrain of the Haliburton Highlands makes for some scenic views and Waterfalls as the water cascades through the oldest part of Canada the Canadian Shield.

Buttermilk Falls


It has been to long!!!

I was god for awhile posting here then the wheels fell off.  Not sure what happened but some how they did I was good at posting and writing about my life and thoughts.

Since my last post things have been fun and interesting. lets break it down by people

  • He loves Star Wars and keeps asking what will happen to Rey how did Han's son become bad
  • He can't wait until the next movie
  • Yes we went to see the Force Awakens we went twice Mattis and I once in Quebec with Mel and then here when we got back.
  • He is doing well in school and is starting to Excel now that we have him back at Cobblestone in Paris, but that is subject not worth getting in too.
  • He loves to play on the computer and play games I am going to need to get him in to programming there are kids programs for that
  • Mattis loves to Curl and started this year,  he also took up T-ball and loves it
  • He loves the Jays I will need to take him to a game when we get home this summer and he is back from Grandma and Grandpas.
  • He loves to draw and create with Melanie in her studio
  • He loves to Kayak we took the double Kayak out for the first time this year all four of us were in it
  • Mattis loves playing with Felix but sometimes he wishes he could have his own space as Felix wants to be with him and watch and do what he does on the laptop.

2 Monkeys in a box

  • Is a walking machine since the end of July of last year.
  • He is full of life and enjoys life and challenges us to enjoy life as well
  • He is non-stop and wants to do everything his big brother does when Mattis goes to a friends he wants to go along too.
  • He worships his big brother
  • He is Mr Style and loves to have his hair combed and when you start the Hair Dryer if he is near he comes running to have the wind blow through his hair.
  • He is so proud of what he wears and most days he has to choose his clothes
  • He is now in the Pre-School program at Day care and just loves it has great teachers at Polka Dot Palace in Paris.
  • He is growing in to a young man he loves to read and loves Star Wars like is big brother and daddy.  He got a BB-8 hat and can't leave the house without it.
  • He calls the new Star Wars movie BB-8 and will ask can we watch BB movie
  • He loves trucks and gets memorized by them
  • everytime we see a fire truck or Police car he will go weo weo.

Melanie (The Hot and Sexy Creatress in my life)

Where to start with my amazing wife I can't say enough about the lady I chose to share my life with.
She is talented and very wonderful person who I am extremely happy to be sharing my life with.

My wife is on a life changing journey.  She has quit her job as a teacher and is go to start teaching out of our house and perusing her dreams-to become and Artist and Art Teacher on her own terms.  She spent 8 weeks at the Haliburton School of the Arts taking a course to become an Expressive Arts Practitioner.

We are working together to turn the basement in to a Studio and Teaching room.

I am proud of her and support her on this journey.


I have started working for a small company as an IT Consultant it is fun and challenging.  I began this adventure as Melanie began hers.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My amazing wife taking a Planar painting course in Haliburton

My Amazing artistic wife is taking a planar painting course in Haliburton.
Mel is taking a Planar painting course in Haliburton to expand her artistic talent
Here are some pics of what she has been up to.
Painting at Haliburton Historical Museum at Fleming College

Set up and ready to paint at Ritchie Falls

Monday, June 8, 2015

The Challenges of Fatherhood

I have learned that being a father can bring great joy.  I have 2 boys my oldest is 5 1/2.  but according to him 5.  my youngest is 18 months according to my oldest 1.

Kids are so precise there is no grey it is all black and white,  I guess as we get older we understand the black and white is there but there can be gray scale in our life as well; but for a child it is all black and white.

I know we want to teach them right from wrong and how to make decisions on their own but do we teach them or do they teach us.  Sometimes I wonder.   They test us they try our patience in what we say.  My oldest is now being defiant and trying my patience along with my wives.  He will also say no after much argumentation and confrontation he gives in to us.

Tonight I told him enough is enough he is old enough to wash his face himself. He got mad and said NO.  The biggest problem is as the school years winds down and many early mornings as of late he is exhausted.  But according to him he is not.

I have learned that reasoning with a child is near impossible you need to make compromises and have them understand why.

I often wonder am I doing what is right by being firm and taking items away and threatening to not do something to make a point.  We take his computer away or his tablet, he has a fit but is he learning by our actions.  Or is it just a justification for us that we are wining the tiny battles or his he the one winning by gaining our attention since he sees us so little with us both working.

I have seen love in him and the desire to emulate both my wife and I in what we do,  He loves drawing and creating with both of us he goes in to my wife's art studio to create he wants to be like her.  He will draw with me and asks me why do I always draw castles or waterfalls.  That is a question I wish I could answer. I know I like drawing them but he tells me I need to draw other things.  I did in the past i guess it is just a stage I am going through.

Enough about me.  Fatherhood has changed me that is for sure it teaches us to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

How the world has changed in 35 years

As I look back on my life it is changed a lot from the time 1 was 10 till now.

Computers in every house not even a pipe dream cell phones what were they.  We had a rotary phone yes the one you dialed by spinning it in a circle.  Call Display or Speed Dial not an option.  In order to remember a phone number you needed to memorize it or you had in a phone book or paper Rolodex.  The electronic ones didn't exist and the smartphone what was that. Now with Cell phones there is no need for a land line we have eliminated ours as have many other people.  The phone instead of hanging on the wall now stores our life and connects us to the world and our friends.
It is at our sides all the time it is part of us.

My music collection consisted of Records heck tapes were just being conceived little alone the thought of having your music collection on an IPOD or MP3 player.  There was not even a Sony Walkman.  Now you have more music on your computer or in or IPOD or MP3 player than can you listen  to in a lifetime.

The Computer was only a simple calculator I was around 10 when we got the VIC 20 yes a commodore I remember playing Frogger on it for ours and running simple games of a tape drive.
I often think back to this; my phone has 16GB internal memory and 64 GB memory card in it.  The VIC 20 had a whopping 4K of internal ram and a memory expansion card not even a dream.
My phone has roughly the amount of 64 Billion times more storage than my first PC.  I know it is not the exact amount but it puts it in to perspective.

We had a simple tube TV. A flat screen what was that cable with over 400 Channels heck we had an antenna that had a rotator for the antenna to get a whopping 10 channels on a good day. The TV's of Today are insane from what we had as children the colour quality is life like now with HDTV and even 3D.  Heck we now have smart TV's with more computing power than my VIC 20.

We got a VCR when I was about 12 wow it was amazing we could record TV and rent Movies.  Now we have DVD's and Move Collections galore on our PC's that we download from various sites such as ITunes.  Then there is the VCR replacement the PVR with 1 TB and the option to add more storage I have a 2TB External drive plugged in to ours for a told of 3TB of storage.  No need to erase the tape anymore.  You can record a whole season and then have a marathon.  You can even record 10 items at once. That wasn't even conceived of when I was a kid.

This is just a few things as there are many others that have changed and I am just wondering what my Mattis and Felix will have when they are my age.  It just scares me or does it intrigue me.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A time to discover thy self

The time has come to move away from the misconceptions of hundreds of years.  The church was put in place during a time of great unrest and anarchy in the world.  During a time when all hope was lost.  During a time when knowledge had been lost and the world was driven to utter chaos.  The Dark Ages the time of mere destruction and wars among the people.  The church of the time was put in place to bring order to a world that was lost.  It was brought in to guide us out of the dark ages and in to the path of enlightenment.

The only problem is that over time the church evolved beyond it’s mandate and became no better than the tyrants it was trying to stop.  The church is no more than an out dated philosophy inhibiting the growth of the human mind beyond what we are now.  There is so much beyond the physical.  There is so much that is out of our reach that has been lost as the church came to power and even to this day rules it’s subjects by fear.  They have mastered this by brainwashing us in to believing that the only way the soul moves on is by believing in a character they created.  The character was a mere mortal they elevated or created Jesus Christ and only through him you will move to the next evolution heaven. 

The human mind is beyond being ruled by fear or is it.  The simple truth is that it is not look in on yourself and see what you believe.  We know the answers science has proved so much from our past and should have elevated the human mind to another plan of existence but it hasn’t.  The simple truth is that the masses are still being ruled by fear that they will not move on in life unless they believe in a false God and his Son. 

Just think about the school playground how the bully rules the playground by fear.  Is the church any different by saying if you don’t live and follow Jesus you will not reach salvation.  The only path to heaven or the next level of existence is through Jesus.

If you take a look at things and analyze them how did things really happen how did the ancients know things that we are only beginning to understand again?  Think about the evolution process did man get help evolving from Apes we know the process started and science has proved it but I think the simple truth is that we haven’t found the missing link because an alien race helped us evolve to the next level and became our first gods.  The ancient civilizations believed in higher powers yes but only as a helper and guider not a divine path to salvation as the modern church does.  The Gods of ancient times brought us things and helped us it is documented in the Ancient myths, from Greece, Scandinavia and others.  There was also bad Gods that tried to corrupt us and slow the evolutionary process down. 

The simple truth of what I am saying is that within all of us we know the truth.  The Ancient Egyptians knew this and it is documented in the Egyptian book of the Dead.  The spirit moves on to another plan of existence that there is more beyond this world that each man seeks to better himself and those around him.  We surround ourselves with comfort and luxuries to create our own personal heaven.  We need to grow and shed the false hoods and let our mind discover the truths inside us. 

The one truth in this world is simply this
Life is what you make it and how live it is yours to decide.
Each person controls the choices they make and what they do to creates their own world

Death is not the end but is merely the beginning or the transition to another life.