Here is a little collection of pictures I have put together for Mattis's 2nd Birthday
It is hard to believe the little guy is turning 2. I have no idea where the time has gone.
When I looked back through the pictures it is amazing what I forgot from the past 2 years.
He is accomplished so much in the past 2 years and has done so much.
He now has his own personality that is for sure and he loves to be silly.
He loves Cars, Star Wars, Mickey Mouse and Toy Story yes he is my son that is for sure.
He also loves to watch Bambi as well.
He discoverd my Star Wars stuff in the basement when I brought it to the new place from being stored at my Mums for several years. Eevery time he is downstairs with me he needs to go get to guys to take upstairs to play with. He now has about 20 figures upstairs and several ships.
A few nights ago I put in the original Star Wars he was glued to the TV watching it contently. When Darth Vader enters the blockade runner he turned to me and said "Darth". The funny thing is i didn't tell him who it was. Then everytime he saw him for the 1/2 hour we watched he would say "Darth".
I would have let him watch the rest but it was bedtime.
Over the past 2 years Mattis has been to Quebec City numerous times.
He has been skating sort of he was in the sled
Snowshoeing the same
Swimming, Boat Rides, To our Nations Capital.
He has been camping twice.
These are just a few of his many andventures.