Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why do people do things that make you go hmmm.

I see everything in what I do in this regard. The past few weeks I have seen a bunch of them.

Here is a list of them
1. Computer is plugged in no power. Ok I thought bad power supply or other issues went down to check out the problem at the far end of the plant. The issue was as follows everything was plugged in to the power supply including the power bar. Ok where is the electricity going to come from. I unplugged the power from the power bar and plugged it into the wall jack and voila power.

2. I also saw the same thing when I was testing items for an upcoming line inspection with Honda. This one was slightly different power bar plugged in to two outlet extension cord. The extenstion cord was the looped around the post where the electrical outlet was and was plugged back into the 2nd receptacle. Another case of where does electricity come from in your world.

3. Why do you need to send a 90MB file to yourself. The mail queue at work got bogged down today and crashed. I had a user who was trying to send a 90MB file to himself. WHY??

Oh well the wonderful world we live in it keeps us on our toes that is for sure

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