Friday, July 27, 2012

Mattis and his silly words

Mattis has a silly side to him when it comes to what he does he just makes you laugh

The other day he got out of bed before I left for work I heard him open the door I was trying to be quiet so he wouldn't hear me.  I was hoping he would just head in to see Mel.  I hear from the top of the stairs Daddy are you here.  I hear you.

Some of his words make you laugh for Barbeque he says Babybaque.
DVDs are VD's.

He know has a facination with flies since being at the cottage he wants to catch them since grandma Louise (Mel's mum was busy killing them)  We will be walking and out of no where Mattis will see a fly and try and catch the fly.  shouting mouche (fly in French)

Here are a few recent images of Mattis being silly

Mattis in Daddy's cowboy boots and his hat from Nana

Mattis below with his new beach hat

I love my little buddy and the joy he brings me.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ancient Myths and Creatures

I have often wondered about the ancient myths and how they came to be.

You have centaurs and various creatures that appear in the Greco-Roman myths and tales how did they come to be and why.

The ancient people believed in all those creatures and there mystical powers they had come from somewhere.  How did they come to be, did they exist and do they still exist in a parallel world.  Did they become extinct like many creatures have on earth.

You have the ancient Gods and ancient creatures that have interacted with the Gods and with man you have pan the half man half goat that was a god of the Shepherds and watched over them.

Pan teaching his eromenos, the shepherd Daphnis, to play the pipes, 2nd century AD Roman copy of Greek original ca. 100 BC, found in Pompeii

There was medusa the lady with snakes in her hair that could turn man to stone.  The Minotaurs of Crete created by the king of Crete.  I wonder what was the purpose of this and why were they needed.

It is interesting as to why the are part of the ancients life.  We still hold a mythical belief today and a key part of alternate dimensions in sci-fi such as the Chronicles of Narnia.  Even the world of Harry Potter has its own mystical creatures.  Are these creatures just figments of man's wondrous imagination or did the exist.

We have different Gods that have been merged and are similar in mythology and in modern Christianity, which is just modern mythology that gives man something to believe in.  As man progresses he needs to create Gods to prove he that there is some all might power that guides us.  There is an all mighty power that has given us knowledge but is a God or just our own drive and remembrance of where we came from that has given us this great knowledge and the desire to better ourselves.   The goal of man is to better ourselves and become Gods.  We have this power in us so how do we channel it how do we better ourselves we do this by believing in ourselves and surrounding ourselves in social scenarios to feel better about oursleves and to share our knowledge and experiences.

The only thing I wonder did these ancient Gods have an influence on things were they just a superior being, that added man did they just come in forms that Ancient man would respect.  I often wonder did the Gods come as these forms because they believed ancient man would respect them in a different form.

All Ancient gods had an animal form or the form of great power like Thor or Zeus.

All i need to say is that we all have great power in us all.  We just need to challenge it and share our knowledge,and the wisdom that has been passed down to us.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ode to a Princess

Is she from a time in the past
Is she from the future
Is she medieval
Is she beautiful
Is she an Angel

If a princess was beside you would you know
Would you know if a Princess was with you
Do you kneel before and bow
A princess in your midst
A Princess at your side

A princess so perfect and beautiful
A Princess the envy of the kingdom
A princess one by the chivalry of a brave knight
A princess in the eye of her kingdom
A princess in the tower of beauty

Is she a damsel in distress
Is she the hostage of a dragon
Is she under the spell of a great magician

She is a wonderful person
With a heart of gold
With a soul of pure silver
She rests safely in the Arms of her knight
Under the guard of his watchful kingdom

Behind every great and chivalrous knight is a great princess
A princess whose heart he has won
A princess whose heart he loves
A princess whose soul he will protect

The princess a being of devine power
The princess a being of knowledge and wisdom
She is an angel and yet she is not frail
She is no more the devil but is a symbol from above

She is the guardian of a wonderful force
She is the carrier of creation
She is a nurturer
She is a creator
She is my wife
She is my best friend
She is the most wonderful person I know

The uniqueness of Nature

It is interesting what can happen in Nature here are few unique pictures from Nature.

These were  taken at Apps Mill near Paris


A short tale of civil unrest in time I will expand this
The year 6068
After many years of Galactic Wars and civil unrest the Inter-Galactic Council began running into ally problems and allot of civil wars against Planetary Councils.

They seem to disagree an varying issues and planetary laws that have been created by each council but yet there is no real problem against the Galactic Council System.

The biggest rebellion against a Planetary Council is against the Planetary Council of Corontha the wealthiest group of planets under the control of the Council.  Corontha is a group 10 inhabited planets.  There is six that are close together known as the inner sanctum and four on the fringes of the system known as the Outliers.  None of the planets races get along and blame each other for the problems that happen on there planets, and each planet believes that the council favors one planet over another.  Each planet has a different quam against the other and the qualms are so deep rooted that they have not let members of some of the planets on to the planets for thousands of years.

The weird thing is that all the planetary representatives get along at the council building of Corontha on the planet of Corona the Capital world of the system.  The council building is located in the heart of Coronat the largest city of the system with a population of one billion citizens from all worlds fighting and living in harmony with each other.  The council building consists of hundreds of lavish Executive suites and office for Council members and visiting dignitaries from other councils and the Galactic Council.  In the center is a large indoor nursery with indigenous trees, plants and animals from all the planets in the system.  There is a public library which was closed a hundred years ago but has been preserved for posterity.  The library was closed because the books and history of the system was getting vandalized and the computers being stolen by members of rebel groups that wanted the history of certain planets erased from existence.

The citizens of Omarka, Drough, Selestra, and Shlofta blame the  council over-seer off the planetary council Okar Sal-Tri for initiating the laws that established the terms outlier worlds for them, because of this they feel no part of the system.  Also a law passed affecting them more than the others was the System trade clause, which states all trade must leave the system via the Corontha Shipping yards located on Corona and Apollo the two inner worlds of the Inner Sanctum.  The planets of the Inner Sanctum believe he is responsible for initiating the equal opportunity law, which allows any citizen of any planet to work on any planet within the system without passport or government status.  The reason for the disagreement to this one is the fear of higher crime as the Cartel of Coronac expands with this opportunity bringing there shroud practices with them of running

there planet by the barrel of a blaster.  The Cartel has ruled over the inner planet of Coronac for hundred of years and has always wanted control of the whole system.  The other planet governments believe that this will happen with the new law.
Coronac was at one time a prison moon that was taken over by the prisoners in a prison revolt.  Out of the revolt came the Cartel and they began to set up a political system that favored lawlessness.

However for years the business practices of the Cartel was unknown on other planets.  They established an advertising campaign of excellent growth and economic prosperity for all that attracted business from all over the system.  Once a business got established the Cartel left them with 10 % of there profits and the rest went to the Cartel if a business refused they were shut down or taken over by the Cartel depending on how valuable the business.  Once citizens entered Coronac they were not allowed to leave under any circumstance.  There has been cases reported where a business tried to leave or get information of the planet and the owners were killed for treason against the Cartel Government and there businesses destroyed and all the employees of the business.  The Cartels revolt against the Council was because the planetary Council set up a new Constitutional clause refusing any Cartel member to be elected in to the Planetary Council.
In one case a member of the Planetary Council was bought by the Cartel and he managed to get initiate and get a law passed that allowed Corsalt a company he said that was on Coronac and was not influenced by the Cartel to expand there mining operations on to other planets.  However Corsalt was heavily under Cartel rule.  Corsalt expanded onto Corona and Thoran but was stopped when government intelligence of the planet traced the company to the Cartel because no money was going into the planets redevelopment. Which was a law of beautification established on the two planets.
The Cartel moved off of Corona but refused to leave Thoran because the Crystal Salt which Corsalt mined was the richest in the system here.  Upon realizing the reason for refusal to leave the Thoran Government took over the company with force capturing all Cartel members and sent them to Corona to be tried.  They drove the Coronacian citizens of the there world whether they were linked to the Cartel or not. A law was established by the government of Thoran that stated that no member of Coronac could enter Thoran.

After this Thoran which was a planet against armies changed her views and began to build an army that became the largest in the system only second to the army of the Planetary council.  They told the Council that the army and the space fleet was built to protect the shipments of Crystal salt from smugglers.  The council did not question this since the demand for Crystal Salt is great throughout the universe.

Following Thorans success at keeping the Cartel out other planets began passing laws that did not allow people of this planet or that planet in, but each planet had one common law the Cartel was not allowed on to the planet.

This caused the overruling law of the planetary council that started the civil war against the council.

The Cartel immediately took advantage and moved in on weaker planets establishing the Cartel dictatorship.

The Cartel moved in on all the Outlier worlds.  The Outlier worlds had the law but did not set up the proper defenses to keep the Cartel out. Figuring they would concentrate on the inner sanctum alone for a few years.  Within a year the Cartel controlled over half the system.  Thoran, Corona, Apollo and Sagits were the only planets not under Cartel rule.
The Inner Worlds formed a new alliance and started to infiltrate spies in to the Cartel to find out, if there was some way to stop the Cartels Expansion.  The operation was called Carvert.  The objective of the operation was to get in find out as much key information and to make the appropriate arrests.  The goal to charge the Cartel of treason of the Planetary System.

The only problem was that since little was known about the Cartel politics, membership rules, policies and beliefs it was a hard task to infiltrate the Cartel.  The spies kept getting caught and executed, because Cartel beliefs were drilled in the minds of the Children of Coronac from the day they were born.  This made it hard impossible because the main entry qualification for the Cartel is to recipt the Cartel Motto " The mightier we are the more control we have.  The more we get under our reign soon we will be Kings and Queens of the Galaxy.  The way to do this is through death to our enemies. Which is only gained by trusting in our Cartel Brotherhood because the Brotherhood of the Cartel is the only ally, everyone else is an enemy, and must be taken over, and if the refuse, destroyed because Cartel dominance is the only way to live."  The spies kept getting caught and killed because of the Motto and the right of Succession.  The right of Succession was a clause in the Cartel code that stated that all members can prove that there parents were Cartel members or that any ancestor or relative is or was involved in the Cartel or that the family has always voted for the Cartel from the day of the forming (the Cartels beginning in 3007 on Coronac).  A few managed to get in but were executed when they were found of sending information of the planet about the Cartel.  Therefore no valuable information was ever received.

The Cartel on the other hand had great success in infiltrating

the Alliance to find out what was going on, and even found out the names of spies on Coronac and because of this ordered there execution.  They even let in some members of the Alliance and then planned accidental deaths for them.

The planets that were under Cartel control formed rebel groups.  The groups started to plot against the Cartel in old abandoned shipping Building Yards near Omarka.  From these meetings they formed the Outlier Federation.  The Federation was formed because as it seemed to them the Inner Sanctum did not care about the Outer Worlds and all laws favoured the Inner Sanctum.

The one thing they needed to do was rally the support of the people since the Cartel monitored or controlled all the key Communication sytems of the Outer Worlds.  Therefore they had to resort to the old fashioned method of word of mouth.  The Cartel knew nothing of it until it became street bound.  The Cartel overseer of the Outer Worlds didn't want any of his men or leaders to order executions on the ralliers.  He ordered this because he did not want any Martyrs to be formed.  The Cartel rep on Omarka went against the order and ordered his men to execute the rallier as he was speaking in the Capital City of Dorval.  The Omarka rallier subsequently became a Martyr as feared(Sal-Soronat was the rallier).

The Cartel believed that the ralliers were having no effect, on the masses, because in a poll that was taken on all planets after the Assassination of Sal-Soronat.  The poll showed that 95% of the people were in favour of Cartel rule.  However the Cartel did not know the native languages of the worlds nor did they try to learn.  Since the rallies were held in the native languages the people were told in all cases until the proper time pledge allegiance to the Cartel always.

The ralliers plan worked because when the time came the Cartel did not expect the shocking blow of the massive underground armies that had formed.  They knocked out Cartel Military stations and took back key communication sites on all planets.  The main shock to the Cartel was the strength of the believed to be anti-army planet of Selestra.  The Selestran army managed to take back their capital city and kick the Cartel of the Planet.
Even though the Cartel had a small force on Selestra it was the best asset of the Outer Worlds because it was the center planet.

The Selestra people had always had a massive army but do to government laws on the planet.  Which stated "that the army is a secret to other worlds and is to only be used if negotiations are obvious to fail". 

The Cartel government from Selestra returned to Coronac to tell the Cartel leader of the uprisings in the Outer Worlds.  Upon arriving on Coronac the leaders of the Cartel Selestra division were executed.

The planet Selestra became the safe haven and center for the Outlier Federation.  News of the Cartels growing losses and the Outer Federations growing wins reached the Inner Sanctum.  They sent reinforcements and supplies to help the Outer Worlds.  The key clause established by the Inter-Galactic Council when setting up Planetary Councils said was a must finally worked in the Corontha System.  The clause read as follows " All planets in a self fulfilling system are to help each other against a common enemy and even one planet falls out of line all other planets are to rally against the oppressor".

The Cartel was finally driven off the planets and from information gained from captured Cartel Soldiers and leaders the Cartel was slowly torn apart.  The Planetary Council put ships in orbit around Coronac to monitor the planet and to aid in rounding up Cartel leaders and supporters.  The leaders and supporters were taken before a Tribune of members from each planet.

The Cartel was disbanded after several years of Trials and years of imprisonment for the people of Coronac. 

Also as a result of the Civil Wars. The Inner Sanctum and Outlier Federation agreed the two bodies would remain as key governing facilities, and that two members and the Overseer and a Senate elected by the people would represent the planets on Coronat.
Within each body each planet would have One Hundred elected officials representing their planet and who would report to the ambassador for the Planetary Council.  All laws for the system had to be passed by the Senate with a 75% majority.

Ten years after the revolution Coronac was granted amnesty and the right to have their own representatives in the Inner Sanctum.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Quiet around the House

The little guy is off camping and Melanie is in Haliburton at the school of Art taking a course.
No don't worry he is not camping by himself yet at 2 and 1/2 but is camping with Mel's parents at Turkey Point.

I am not sure what to do with no little buddy following me around the house wanting me to play cars or Star Wars or Lego's with him.  I have lost the best shadow that anyone could have I know the shadow will be back.   The little shadow that has to water the flowers with you and be right there when you are washing the car or vacuuming the house.

I have a few things I want to do so I will try and get them done over the course of this week and the next 3 weeks as they will be back for the weekend and then off to Quebec City for 2 weeks.

I want to run a few Network lines and clean the garage a little three are items in there I can toss
Anyone want old computer equipment it is looking for another home. It will make an excellent door stop or even a great night light for those dark corners of the basement.  No real use other than that.  I think I will just taking it to a recycling center unless someone wants to claim it.

I am also going to try and mount a few shelves for our entertainment system on the wall creating a modern looking system will look at the cost and determine if it is cheaper to do that or to just buy nicer entertainment unit for  the space.

I also need to figure out how I am going to mount the surround speakers but the problem is going to be the wires that need to be run.

Of course this all depends on other variables such as work as we are busy right now so it might be a few long nights setting up systems.

I also want to try and bring my model railroad in from Mums just not sure where I will put it in the basement yet I need to take it part to move it so that will be a fun task as well.  I am hoping I can incorporate some if it back in not sure what the new layout will look like but it  will a project for me and my little buddy.