You have centaurs and various creatures that appear in the Greco-Roman myths and tales how did they come to be and why.
The ancient people believed in all those creatures and there mystical powers they had come from somewhere. How did they come to be, did they exist and do they still exist in a parallel world. Did they become extinct like many creatures have on earth.
You have the ancient Gods and ancient creatures that have interacted with the Gods and with man you have pan the half man half goat that was a god of the Shepherds and watched over them.
There was medusa the lady with snakes in her hair that could turn man to stone. The Minotaurs of Crete created by the king of Crete. I wonder what was the purpose of this and why were they needed.
It is interesting as to why the are part of the ancients life. We still hold a mythical belief today and a key part of alternate dimensions in sci-fi such as the Chronicles of Narnia. Even the world of Harry Potter has its own mystical creatures. Are these creatures just figments of man's wondrous imagination or did the exist.
We have different Gods that have been merged and are similar in mythology and in modern Christianity, which is just modern mythology that gives man something to believe in. As man progresses he needs to create Gods to prove he that there is some all might power that guides us. There is an all mighty power that has given us knowledge but is a God or just our own drive and remembrance of where we came from that has given us this great knowledge and the desire to better ourselves. The goal of man is to better ourselves and become Gods. We have this power in us so how do we channel it how do we better ourselves we do this by believing in ourselves and surrounding ourselves in social scenarios to feel better about oursleves and to share our knowledge and experiences.
The only thing I wonder did these ancient Gods have an influence on things were they just a superior being, that added man did they just come in forms that Ancient man would respect. I often wonder did the Gods come as these forms because they believed ancient man would respect them in a different form.
All Ancient gods had an animal form or the form of great power like Thor or Zeus.
All i need to say is that we all have great power in us all. We just need to challenge it and share our knowledge,and the wisdom that has been passed down to us.
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