Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The old Model Train track

When I was out at Mum's last weekend I decided to show Mattis my model train set that I was working on at my mum's when I was younger.  In time I will need to take it a part and bring it in will likely re do it though in parts as there are a few things I want to change.

I placed him on a stool and he took in all that I had designed the only thing is that the wiring underneath had been ripped out 4 years ago when my mum had a flood in the basement and I needed to rip out the carpet. underneath.

Here are a few pictures

Mr Mattis looking at the farm

The town square it still needs work

The local watering hole

In time I will bring it in when little buddy is older and we will create the scenes like my dad and I did with my first creations with his help and guidance.

I will pass my wisdom on to him and my passion so he can enjoy it as I did.  The majority of the techniques I taught myself over the years.  When you want to create something that looks realistic you notice the colors in more detail in the the world around you.

As I was packing up some of the items I forgot how many buildings I hate built that were not apart of things in the new layout.  I bought buildings and assembled them and didn't like how  they fit in to the scenes.  I did change things over time as well I had a vision that never got fulfilled.  It got left behind when I first moved since there was not enough space in my first apartment.

In time I will be reunite with my passion that kept up to the wee hours redesigning and revamping over the years.

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