Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One thing that I always wonder about

The more I see in life the more I wonder how certain people can actually function on a day to basis.

Where I am working I see this in one particular user. He has no clue and you tell him something and 10 minutes later he has forgotten what you tell him. If I walk by his desk he always has an issue with his computer. He will call me over and say I can't do this in this program I did it yesterday but there is no way he did since viewer programs for the most part don't let you edit things. They generally let you print and look at it on the screen.

I see this in my personal life as well as I am sure we all do and you just wonder. How is he or she able to walk upright.

They can't do to things together and if they do it takes so much concentration they screw it up or loose complete focus

Friday, October 15, 2010

What does after lunch mean

I got a call today from a technician that was coming in at 11:55 saying he would be there after lunch. Which was fine to me as I had one thing I needed to finish up then I was going to grab lunch.

At 12:10 I get a call from security to tell me he was here. Is it me after lunch meant 12:30 - 1:00 since most companies take a half hour to an hour
I guess I was wrong about what after lunch means.

The joys of how people think

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why do people do things that make you go hmmm.

I see everything in what I do in this regard. The past few weeks I have seen a bunch of them.

Here is a list of them
1. Computer is plugged in no power. Ok I thought bad power supply or other issues went down to check out the problem at the far end of the plant. The issue was as follows everything was plugged in to the power supply including the power bar. Ok where is the electricity going to come from. I unplugged the power from the power bar and plugged it into the wall jack and voila power.

2. I also saw the same thing when I was testing items for an upcoming line inspection with Honda. This one was slightly different power bar plugged in to two outlet extension cord. The extenstion cord was the looped around the post where the electrical outlet was and was plugged back into the 2nd receptacle. Another case of where does electricity come from in your world.

3. Why do you need to send a 90MB file to yourself. The mail queue at work got bogged down today and crashed. I had a user who was trying to send a 90MB file to himself. WHY??

Oh well the wonderful world we live in it keeps us on our toes that is for sure

Mattis's first birthday

He enjoyed the experience and of course the attention I think the highlight was the chocolate cake which he didn't waste anytime with as you can see from the pictures

Test post mobile

This is a test post from my blackberry

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Matts almost a year ....

It is amzing hw much someone can change in a year especially when they are still an infant.
They start out not doing much of anything well not really .... They sleep, eat and go to the bathroom.  Then they learn to interact with you by giggling and smiling at anything and everything.
By the time they are one well at least from my experience alot has changed here is what mattis is doing
He enjoys all food he loves to laugh and make silly faces.
He loves to interact with people and his toys people are of more interest though.

A few weeks ago at the mall he decided to offer an young girl (teenager) his french fry and when she ignored him he got all bent of shape.

Anyway back to the changes he now speaks several words in English and French
Here are the ones I can remebmer
encore (means more in French)
matt --- from time to time
yum --- when he wants more food a boy he loves food

He also loves to mimic what we do or others
and of course mummy and daddy are a chew to from time to time.

He has five teeth and is thinking about walking.
He loves water

What else has he done his adventures are numerous at his young age that is for sure where to start.
Quebec City several times
Several Plane Rides
Multiple car rides that is for sure
Boat rides
camping in a trailer not a tent
A sleep in a hotel after we got off the highway on the way back from Quebec at christmas in a storm

He just enjoys life and has had many adventures

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sleepey Little Guy ...

After a long day of helping daddy with house work chasing the Vaccuum and then a little fresh air this afternoon cleaning the garden

And a bit of packing our little Mattis Man feel asleep in his high chair with his bottle