You have heard the myths you have heard the ideas of what destroyed the great Library of Alexandria the resting place of many a scroll from the writings of Plato to Aristotle to the works of the lord. I am sure you have seen National Treasure at the end they find in t he great treasure of the free masons the contents of Alexandria. What would you do if you had the ability to go back in time or if you miraculously ended up back in time moments or hours before the destruction of the great library. Would you want to know who destroyed it and why? Would you want to save the works and contents or would you stand be afraid to change History. What would you say if I said it was possible to do both allow it to be destroyed and hide the works forever allowing the masses of the time to believe it was destroyed.
Was the contents transported away to another place before the destruction of Alexandria. Did the catholic church destroy it all or was it hidden away by the guardians of Alexandria a secret society known as le guardian you be the judge. Over the years there have been various works trying to make you think and question modern day religion. There has been the Da Vinci Code. Holy blood Holy Grail, the Jesus Papers, and the Pagan Christ. The key question is what do they all have to say and why. What is the fundamental underlining piece in them all. The fundamental piece is quit simple it is the existence of God the existence of Jesus was the grail a blood line or a goblet used at the lat supper.
The way I look at it from being a person that has read them all is quite simple it is a matter of interpretation. Yes Christ exist but on what plain does he exist is it at the human level or the spiritual is it fact or fiction is Christ merely the channel for good within us all. It all comes down to one thing belief. What do you believe what is true in your heart what does your soul tell you. Does your soul guide you or does a divine source guide you through life. Do you get strength from the divine or from within. Think about this does your heart control you or is it society. The answer is simple it is both society and your soul and the people around you. The Christ is you the Christ is around you the Christ binds and guides you. I know if you are Star Wars fan you are thinking the force but is the force and Christ really all that different or are they one in the same was George Lucas trying to put it in a context that modern man could understand.
The key to it all is belief and interpretation understanding and knowledge are all religions truly different or are they founded on common ideologies with different figure heads is Buddha that different from Jesus or Muhammad is god different from Allah or even Rah. The question is clear we live in a world of complexity with jihads and purifications in the name of God is this any different from the crusades of medieval times. Are the armies of NATO any different from the knights templar trying to claim the holy lands for their own. Or trying to quell or control the infidels. Is it different or is it the same do we know any more about the Muslims today. The answer to the question is simple we don’t we are lead to believe that the Muslim or Islamic religion values jihad (the holy war) . Do they or does western civilization tell us they do. I think we are we in the fourth crusade under the control of the US another super power just like France controlled the second crusade and England the third.
What does this have to do with Alexandria you are thinking Alexandria is mystery Alexandria is a myth Alexandria is a secret waiting to be revealed to the people of God. Alexandria has been hidden Alexandria is the Atlantis of Christianity and sore spot or is it. Has Alexandria been revealed or is it being revealed gradually with the works coming forward to question faith and the foundations of Christianity. Are the works of Dan Brown dividing or destroying Christianity. What about the holy blood holy grail the Jesus Papers and the Gnostic Gospels what are they doing for Christianity. Have you read them or do you dismiss them as hog wash and lies. I suggest you read them as they give an understanding and a new found look at what god truly is and what our calling in life is and where are we guided to go.
These works teach us a fundamental lesson that is taught by many such as Steven Covey, We need to channel our lives between what is important and what is right yet at the same time we need to remember that a glass is never half full and that there is a circle beyond the box we have put ourselves in. Steven Covey uses the term Sharpen the saw. The term is simple as a saw has many teeth and as people of faith and people of the world we need to balance and keep the important ones sharp. The important ones are hard to define or are they as they are key ones we need follow God and Religion, Family and Friends Work and our social surroundings.
The ideology of Alexandria is there to test us to make us stronger to make us believe. Alexandria is a myth or is it fact we will never know what was lost in the archives. The myth makes us stronger the myth makes us believe the myth controls who we are as a people; as it has become a part of the folklore of Christianity and other ideologies and myths.
The key to understanding is knowledge and so many people have the tendency to go through life with blinders on. They tend to believe what is written and not question it’s truth. Have you ever read something and realized that it makes no sense or is it possible. The greatest piece of literature ever written is a prime example of this. The bible has been taken as historical fact yet it holds no historical merit. The church has lead us to believe for centuries threw fear that the bible is fact. As we discover and uncover more and more we realize it is not all true. Yet so many people are blind to what is true, or are they or do they just not want to rock the status quo. This leads me to one simple phrase I have heard many a times. People are like a herd of cattle get them together and they are dumb and stupid and go with the flow, yet on their own they can be an individual. I have always wondered why we don’t act like individuals and question things that don’t make sense in life.
The questioning of religion that is a tough one. We are lead to believe a certain way; but now the resources are at our finger tips to gain knowledge and stand as individuals and realize just how much every religious sect or cult has in common. Science as proven so much even Einstein proved that god is no t real even though I don’t think he could admit it do to his time and place in History.
It is quite simple Einstein proved that God = Energy . Just think about that isn’t energy the driving force of everything we need energy for life we need energy to move an object. Here is Einstein’s formula
Albert Einstein’s equation states that Energy = Mass x C2. The law of physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Which means the energy that created the universe cannot have a beginning nor an end. Also, there must be something that existed before the universe and that will continue to exist after the universe. That is the definition of God.
By applying Albert Einstein’s formula, the universe must have a creator because the universe has mass (M). God does not need a creator because God does not have mass (M). God is energy (E).
Thus when people ask the question, “If God created mankind, who created God?”, they mistakenly imagine God as having a form or mass. Only mass needs a creator, not energy. Therefore it is simple God is Energy god is not tangible God is within us all he is not some super deity as we are lead to believe. Just think of one of the most popular film series of all time Star Wars. In Star Wars the force in all powerful encompassing power held by the elite it is essence telling us that the force is the energy that binds everything together that gives life and taketh life away.
What does this have to do with Alexandria you are wondering it is quite simple Myth and folklore, legend and beliefs. Mankind needs something to believe in something to make our existence worthwhile we can’t simply accept the fact that mankind has the power of god the power of Jesus within us all ; that we control our own destiny. We need something to believe in or do we. Yes God makes us stronger but he does so by giving us something to believe in he gives us positives when there are negatives around. Those positives are within us all we just need to have them awakened we need to believe we are not alone in our pain. We need to believe that someone can take away are pain and make it better. However does the pain ever leave no it doesn’t the pain is there within but we are stronger because we have grown from our pain.
How does this relate to me you might wonder? We all need something to believe in something to guide us or someone. Legends are created for that very purpose. We have the legend of King Arthur and Excalibur the legend of Robin Hood and his merry men. We have the greatest legend of all time Jesus and his disciples. This is a legend that has been taken and woven to create the greatest religion of all time. It has caused wars it is destroyed civilizations and ideologies so that it could survive. The Cathar religion was destroyed by the Catholic Church along with the most powerful order the knights templar who are still present today and known as the free masons.
Ask yourself this why are you a part of an order that has gained power by the very thing they preach against violence, deceit and destruction to make a legend reality. Look at History and Science they don’t support the churches claims why do they hide the very truth or when someone attempts to rock the foundations like Dan Brown they try to dismiss it.
If Alexandria is the secret to the truth the truth that has been hidden from us than let it be the start of what is the truth. Like all legends and myths they are for a purpose to teach us and guide us the truth in us all just like the legend of Alexandria. However Alexandria is more of a truth than a legend since Alexandria did exist in the form that made it legendary. The questions arise around the others though and they can be questioned and adopted and have been changing throughout time there was a Jesus figure in Egypt there is a Jesus figure in Buddhism and many other religions. So in essence the truth is all religion is equal all religion is common all religion comes from within. The Jesus the Buddha the Muhammad they are us we control them we nurture them in ourselves.
The church is a merely a vessel to do this and until modern religion realizes this all is lost wars will continue and the course as pre-determined will continue. Pre-determined you are asking it is simple the course the modern Western beliefs and other religions has put us on that they are all superior that they are not equal. The Islamic extremists refer to the Western world as infidels and we the same as the Islamic religion. The reason I say this is quite simple the majority of mankind knows nothing of the other or do the care to nothing of the other. All religions are on a course that has been pre-determined but it can be stopped the power is in us all to make it happen. The modern church establishment needs to be questioned and changes need to start and they must start at the grass roots levels and at the levels of power.
The Church needs to give us the knowledge to nurture the Christ within us and the power within us and until they do there will be strife there will be the godless as the church sees them. The ones that don’t believe until the church is seen as a nurturing body and until all denominations unit as one there will always be this problem. The doctrines need to be destroyed the bible needs to be taken for what it is a guide to living and not a historical document.
When this has been done Alexandria will be with us again the root of all lost knowledge.
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