Here Iam at work working away
And there are two women here cackling like hens.
Like hens making no sense at all.
Talking about people and ruining their reputations
They talk about a person that is doing something that
is the same as they do and how it is wrong but okay for them
to do.
They complain about people on U.I. milking the government and
yet they do it each winter and how they feel guilty about it.
If they do how come they do it year in year out.
They condemn a man who was found innocent of double homicide,
by a jury of his peers.
They say that because of a movie he made he is trained to be a violent killer.
They also say that he should not enjoy his freedom but live in remorse all his life.
They talk like bigots and condemn all people of a race because of their past and condemn all foriengers for coming to Canada.
Then they brag that they are better, than all the men, and that they do twice the work, that a man could ever do, in the same time frame.
Then they talk about abusive relationships which makes no sense because one is in one and is blind to it.
And the other condemns all men based on her past relationships.
They say a person is this or that because of what he does once
He might have gotten drunk once and is an alcoholic or so and so are not compatible because they live in opposite worlds.
They say that a person feeds his cattle deadly chemicals because the beef tastes different then store bought.
And yet for some reason it all comes back to one of their life stories and how good there life was and good this man was but now she says that she can't stand men but when she talks she talks like she respects the men.
And she always seems to find more positives in her men she dated, and yet everyone elses men she finds the Negatives.
Then one starts talking about her trucking days, and hauling 80 tons and that it is okay for a trucker to run over a car and not get charged because he says he could not slow down to avoid an accident (BULLSHIT)
From here the conversation turns to complaining about ethnic drivers and all drivers of cars saying that the transport always has the right of way and that all ethnic drivers and other drivers don't know how to drive.
One says that truck drivers are perfect drivers and can do no wrong and that all the other drivers don't have a clue how to drive.
And all of a sudden in comes Quebec seperation and they say that Quebecers are all useless and don't deserve to be apart of Canada, and that the government of Canada should not work to keep Quebec in Canada.
And then after lunch the antics continue again day in and day out.
And then conversation turns to a prominent family that is rather large and one says they are all alike because of the bad acts of certain members.
Then they get back to discriminating, against the Orientals by calling them the yellow race, and blacks negros and blaming them for all the worlds problems. Gee sounds a lot like Hitler’s philosophy on the Jews. Then they say that the Orientals and African Americans are going to take over North America and turn the White man into slaves.
Then for some reason fashion suddenly jumps in. They complain about how people dress or how they look in this or that.
Then next comes the Immigrants saying that they have no rights and don't deserve to live here, and yet neither was born in Canada. They were both born in Europe so what do they mean.
Then the topic turns to Native Americans saying they have no right to get there land back and that what the white man did was right, And that all Indians are Drunks and Welfare cases and that’s all they will ever be.
By days end one was saying that JFK was still alive up to a few years ago living on a desert Island as a vegetable with Hitler.
Also they believe Elvis is alive living in Battle Creek Saskatchewan, off his millions.
However it always went back to their views on men I guess they just talk to hear themselves talk, even if they make no sense
But yet from time to time maybe once a week they got on to intelligent conversation. One was about they discovery of the lost city of Ubar that was recently found.
However all in all everything ended in a derogatory statement or ended tearing something or someone apart.
However all I did was work and listen to the Heckling hens talk about nothing.
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