Showing posts with label Melanie Art Work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Melanie Art Work. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

It has been to long!!!

I was god for awhile posting here then the wheels fell off.  Not sure what happened but some how they did I was good at posting and writing about my life and thoughts.

Since my last post things have been fun and interesting. lets break it down by people

  • He loves Star Wars and keeps asking what will happen to Rey how did Han's son become bad
  • He can't wait until the next movie
  • Yes we went to see the Force Awakens we went twice Mattis and I once in Quebec with Mel and then here when we got back.
  • He is doing well in school and is starting to Excel now that we have him back at Cobblestone in Paris, but that is subject not worth getting in too.
  • He loves to play on the computer and play games I am going to need to get him in to programming there are kids programs for that
  • Mattis loves to Curl and started this year,  he also took up T-ball and loves it
  • He loves the Jays I will need to take him to a game when we get home this summer and he is back from Grandma and Grandpas.
  • He loves to draw and create with Melanie in her studio
  • He loves to Kayak we took the double Kayak out for the first time this year all four of us were in it
  • Mattis loves playing with Felix but sometimes he wishes he could have his own space as Felix wants to be with him and watch and do what he does on the laptop.

2 Monkeys in a box

  • Is a walking machine since the end of July of last year.
  • He is full of life and enjoys life and challenges us to enjoy life as well
  • He is non-stop and wants to do everything his big brother does when Mattis goes to a friends he wants to go along too.
  • He worships his big brother
  • He is Mr Style and loves to have his hair combed and when you start the Hair Dryer if he is near he comes running to have the wind blow through his hair.
  • He is so proud of what he wears and most days he has to choose his clothes
  • He is now in the Pre-School program at Day care and just loves it has great teachers at Polka Dot Palace in Paris.
  • He is growing in to a young man he loves to read and loves Star Wars like is big brother and daddy.  He got a BB-8 hat and can't leave the house without it.
  • He calls the new Star Wars movie BB-8 and will ask can we watch BB movie
  • He loves trucks and gets memorized by them
  • everytime we see a fire truck or Police car he will go weo weo.

Melanie (The Hot and Sexy Creatress in my life)

Where to start with my amazing wife I can't say enough about the lady I chose to share my life with.
She is talented and very wonderful person who I am extremely happy to be sharing my life with.

My wife is on a life changing journey.  She has quit her job as a teacher and is go to start teaching out of our house and perusing her dreams-to become and Artist and Art Teacher on her own terms.  She spent 8 weeks at the Haliburton School of the Arts taking a course to become an Expressive Arts Practitioner.

We are working together to turn the basement in to a Studio and Teaching room.

I am proud of her and support her on this journey.


I have started working for a small company as an IT Consultant it is fun and challenging.  I began this adventure as Melanie began hers.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New Creations of Melanie Verret

Here a couple new Creations by Melanie

This was painted on a metal Plate

This was painted on a metal Plate

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Melanie Verret Art Update

The New website of Melanie Verret Art has been launched.

We launched it Good Friday.
Melanie Verret Art is also on Facebook as well

 Here is one of My Wife's latest works
More available on the Website and more to come soon
I am behind on the Picture taking.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Melanie Verret Art

The Art work of my wife is becoming a reality
I will continue to promote here and support here
I have set up one of many online store fronts for her to come the latest is

Check it out and support her