Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2015

A time to discover thy self

The time has come to move away from the misconceptions of hundreds of years.  The church was put in place during a time of great unrest and anarchy in the world.  During a time when all hope was lost.  During a time when knowledge had been lost and the world was driven to utter chaos.  The Dark Ages the time of mere destruction and wars among the people.  The church of the time was put in place to bring order to a world that was lost.  It was brought in to guide us out of the dark ages and in to the path of enlightenment.

The only problem is that over time the church evolved beyond it’s mandate and became no better than the tyrants it was trying to stop.  The church is no more than an out dated philosophy inhibiting the growth of the human mind beyond what we are now.  There is so much beyond the physical.  There is so much that is out of our reach that has been lost as the church came to power and even to this day rules it’s subjects by fear.  They have mastered this by brainwashing us in to believing that the only way the soul moves on is by believing in a character they created.  The character was a mere mortal they elevated or created Jesus Christ and only through him you will move to the next evolution heaven. 

The human mind is beyond being ruled by fear or is it.  The simple truth is that it is not look in on yourself and see what you believe.  We know the answers science has proved so much from our past and should have elevated the human mind to another plan of existence but it hasn’t.  The simple truth is that the masses are still being ruled by fear that they will not move on in life unless they believe in a false God and his Son. 

Just think about the school playground how the bully rules the playground by fear.  Is the church any different by saying if you don’t live and follow Jesus you will not reach salvation.  The only path to heaven or the next level of existence is through Jesus.

If you take a look at things and analyze them how did things really happen how did the ancients know things that we are only beginning to understand again?  Think about the evolution process did man get help evolving from Apes we know the process started and science has proved it but I think the simple truth is that we haven’t found the missing link because an alien race helped us evolve to the next level and became our first gods.  The ancient civilizations believed in higher powers yes but only as a helper and guider not a divine path to salvation as the modern church does.  The Gods of ancient times brought us things and helped us it is documented in the Ancient myths, from Greece, Scandinavia and others.  There was also bad Gods that tried to corrupt us and slow the evolutionary process down. 

The simple truth of what I am saying is that within all of us we know the truth.  The Ancient Egyptians knew this and it is documented in the Egyptian book of the Dead.  The spirit moves on to another plan of existence that there is more beyond this world that each man seeks to better himself and those around him.  We surround ourselves with comfort and luxuries to create our own personal heaven.  We need to grow and shed the false hoods and let our mind discover the truths inside us. 

The one truth in this world is simply this
Life is what you make it and how live it is yours to decide.
Each person controls the choices they make and what they do to creates their own world

Death is not the end but is merely the beginning or the transition to another life.

The sum of all Religion

All Religion is intertwined all myths are intertwined and linked to Religion.  They are all based loosely on facts and stories based down to explain the ways of the world.

All religions are the key to the ancients; all stories are rooted in myth or in the eyes of a simple people who used the Gods to explain the unknown. 

If you look at the tale of Noah it describes to a people that were moved to another place the basic principal of a journey possibly from another world.  It was written to explain in simple terms that people of the time could understand.  If it was written today a tale from another world in a Spacecraft would not be a far-fetched tale.

There are myths and legends in of Ivanhoe and King Arthur and Ivanhoe all rooted in Myth.  In King Arthur he sought what all men seek the Truth.  In Ivanhoe he fights with the black Knight which represents our inner demons.  These are both things that all men fear or seek.  We look for the truth in all aspects of Life and we fight with our inner demons.  This is no different then what all religions preach the finding of truth and guiding us to find our inner peace through a divine power.

In Christianity we have the temptation of the Devil or Satan with Jesus.  Here is an example from the bible

Matthew 4:1-11New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness

4 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’[b]”

5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

“‘He will command his angels concerning you,

    and they will lift you up in their hands,

    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[c]”

7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’[d]”

8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.

 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[e]”

11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

In all the Ancient myths or religions and modern religion it is intertwined.  The Ancient Gods have been combined into one God in all mainstream modern religions.

Jihad is a factor to induce fear it is man fearing or taking the unknown about another religion and acting out to the extreme.  That is my take on way someone would act in that way.  Part of Jihadism is the art of brainwashing someone in to going to the extreme and taking things too far. 

As I have mentioned in earlier chapters brainwashing or hypnosis is easy and has been around since the dawn of time.  It is easy to make the weaker mind believe and together they will rise up.  Hitler was a shear Master he made a nation believe.  Then there was Napoleon, for the French, Alexander the Great for the Greeks who did the same they were all great speakers.  They were able to take a country that had been devastated or had lost it sense of identity and deliver to greatness even if it was for a short time.  They all had great egos that brought them to their final defeat.  They wanted it all and extended their domains too far and too fast.  That is the same with the inner workings of a every man in our everyday lives Religion myth and History can teach this all to us in many ways.

The Key to all great Legends, Myths and Religion is that they are not history but are simply away of guiding man on his path or his Destiny give us the power to make our own choices in life.  If we go beyond what we know to be our comfort zone and the ties some of our worlds may collapse because we lose our Security.  The choices we make and the roads we take that extend us beyond what we know is what defines us.  The greats of History and the modern world still do this they rise up and bring people around them up. Are they Gods would they have been perceived as a God.

The Gods want us to exeed the ancients they want us to continually grow and nurture the mind question the ties that hold us the bonds that are put on us.  The myths and tales in the bible teach us to understand and look at things differently.  The Bible is far from historical fact but a mere god with maybe pieces of History loosely woven in to the tales describing the lands where it came from.  The kings were likely true figures and their exploits created made them legends.

The key to all myths and religions is understand them and in turn it will help us understand our neighbours of different religions and ethnicity.  We share this planet with many different Cultures religions and Ancient Civilizations long lost.  Maybe a deeper understanding of this will allow us to unlock greater mysteries; in ourselves.

The Earth is a wondrous place and a true student of man will understand and grow to appreciate the world and people we live with.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Links of Religion

The world and time are linked but how are they linked.  The question do we know the Templars or the Disciples of Jesus Time or the Templar of the great crusades.  Is your mind is my mind linked to any one of them or another great figure.  Is our mind linked to all or none? Can one mind between space and time do we have all the pieces in all of us.  If we come together can we solve the universe can we solve the mysteries of the world and space and time.

There are so many mysteries in the world, are they true are the myths are they and or just folklore do they have hidden truths.  Are all these ancient pieces the key to understanding all the key to world peace?

We have Oak Island, Easter Island, Atlantis, and the Bermuda Triangle.  How do this mysteries relate to us is the secret in all of us or just a few of us.  Do we have the power to find the Secrets?

Let’s start with Atlantis and Oak Island are they one.  The Templar's sought Atlantis or did they create the myth that was created by Plato.  Did they believe in the Utopia was Atlantis North and South America the breakaway continents of the might Pangaea.  Did the greater powers that guided the Templar's and their quest for knowledge their belief in Gnosis truths guide them to the mysterious Oak Island?  Is the Modern Worlds misconceptions wrong is Plato wrong is the lost Continent the Americas the breakaway continents.  Or was Plato right and the Ancient religions lost track in their desire to control the masses wrong on the Plains of Ancient Egypt is a representation of the Americas the Temples of the Gods are in the Americas was the coincidence does this prove that Atlantis is not lost but found was it the breakaway piece on Pangaea placed on the plains by Ancient beings.

As you can see to the left oblong of the Plateau is the Americas.  What is the coincidence of this how did this end up as a relief on the Gaza Plateau and what is the significance.  If you draw a line from Giza to the Aztecs they are on the same line.  However there is no significant relief in the Aztec Area.  I often wonder why.  Did the Gods or the Ancient alien beings of Ancient Egypt re-create a relief on the Giza Plateau create a reference for future Aliens to new the origins of mankind or was this done so mankind could understand the link between past and future that all beings start at one location and grow out from there.  It is often believed that the Pyramid Knowledge for Egypt was from Ancient Aliens is the same to be said for the Mayans and the Aztecs. As wells as the Ancient Temples of India.  If you look at a world Map all the Ancient temples are in the same Region all long the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.  In the prime regions of the sun.  The answer is simple they all worshiped a son God or a Deity that represented the sun or the moon.

As religion evolved it dispelled the illusion that the sun was the God and that god was in the image of man.  As we grow as mankind grows the illusion of god become less and less and the image of self-Power will dominate.  As we understand our own minds and our links.  We have now created God in our image and want him to be our guide.  We are our own guide in the world; God is a creation of our own mind to understand ourselves and nothing more.  This can be said for all religions of you look deep in to them by analyzing the past and the many religions of mankind.  They are all a simple form to understand ourselves.

The Norse (Viking’s) believed in the same the World of Creation and the almighty God only from a different Perspective.  There was Odin the all-powerful and Thor the son who came to live with mankind.  In Norse there was a twist Loki the god of mischievous which is in all man he would tempt man or twist them.

There is always similarities in other aspects you have the stories and tales of a great flood was it a flood or a journey from the heavens to Earth.  Most Pagan religions have tales of great floods or ships carrying people to safety.  Was this a flood or a journey from another world to protect a race or transplant a race from a dying world?   Was a flood the easiest way to explain this to a simple minded race that was transplanted by Aliens to another world?

When you look at this and draw parallels to all Religions.  But Christianity has stolen from all Religions as the Romans conquered they wrote History by forcing the conquered to adapt their Religion.  There are various variations of Christianity but the roots are all inter-twined and come from the same force.

The one thing no matter what religion you believe in we all seek the same thing.  In Norse mythology you would seek Valhalla in Christianity you seek Heaven in Islam Jana.  Mankind has sought since our existence to seek a higher plan of existence.  Why do you seek the higher plan is it because of the Aliens that brought us here your because it was bred in to our Genes when we were Ancient men to keep us at bay.   All Religion has picked up on this and uses it why is there a hidden truth to this or is it just a myth.  It is a hard question to answer but it was one we need to answer ourselves.

The Higher plan can vary for all it could be varying levels it could be domination levels or gradual these can be compared to the Gods of the Modern World as we are controlled by these to some degree.

As it was said and demonstrated in Exodus (this is a paraphrase) there is a need for all men to be free a need to escape if we believe in it, anything can be possible.  As it was demonstrated one man can guide us and we can be made to believe in him, he can influence us he can guide us and lead us.

The Bible gave us Moses as a Leader but there was also Aaron his brother.  Moses was the representative of God or was he a mere magician.  Aaron was the people person the power that we all have only a few of us rise above the others.  In life we are all Moses or Aaron the Leader or the person that wants to please all.  Aaron made the Gold Gods to worship and Moses made the ultimate Leader.  He was made when he saw this and it is the ultimate example of Power.  Moses was the true leader if there is a God or not or one God he wanted the world to believe, God in our image not the image of animal.

We all seek to lead or to follow; the world needs both.

The Power of the God the power of the slave is predefined in who we are or is it.  Can we find the strength to rise above this yes we can.  The Almighty God is an excuse to hide behind an entity we feel to be more powerful.  This is because the Governing bodies have made us to feel inferior.  We are all Gods of our own Destiny sure outside circumstances can affect us.  The one thing you need to remember is the feather in Forest Gump it floats around on its own course but is pushed by the world around it.  Where it lands is pre-determined but we as humans can control the world around us.

Is our life like a feather does it float or is it like a rock.  Does life float or sink.  Life does both it floats and drops.  There are high and low points in life the floating of the feather can represent the high points and the Rock can recognize the dropping.

Are we Moses or are we Aaron?  Are we Achilles who was superior all but one flaw in his heel, as in the Greek fable of Homer?  This is the one question for all of mankind or is it.  The power to be a god or a slave is in us all.  The power to believe in higher power is in us all; the truth is what we seek to choose.

The basis of Religion is defined it is the basis that all mankind is made to believe in whether it is God, Allah, or Buddha to name just a few. Religions are in essence the same. The beliefs are similar yet different.  The tales can be found in all regions there is a tale of the prodigal son in Christianity, Buddhism, and Hindi.  The Similar parable in Islam is twisted to mean the opposite we don’t forgive because if we do we are weak.
Mohammed is reported to have said “whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him”. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)
People say that the bible and the Koran are different some the first versions of both are the same in order to prove or dispel we need to find the original bible that was written in Babylonian times.  Was the bible lost in Alexandria?

In all Religions they are parables to guide us that have distorted over time and made to be the gospel on the world as History.  All the major religions are the same mere parables to guide us.  The most common one is the Prodigal son as mentioned above. Another is the temptation of the devil.
Christianity from King James Version
being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered.  Muhammad has the temptation multiple times and can be seen here.

The one thing we need to remember is we are all the same but with slightly different beliefs.  We all came from the same place and have adapted and twisted History to meet our own needs.  The conquerors have re-written History and misconceptions have been made.  I have taken to many Americans and they are told in School that they one the War of 1812 most of them have no clue that the White House was sacked by the Canadians.

The one thing we need to remember is the original biblical texts about Jesus were in Greek and the Old Testament in Hebrew.  They were then translated in to English, French, and German etc… How much got lost in Translation and where are the originals?

In modern times there have been kings and Emperors that have re-written the texts of Christianity as in other Religions.  They re-wrote History to suit their needs Emperor Constantine was a prime example of this.  He is the father of the modern Christian Bible.

I have been reading the accounts of General Thomas Harrison the Regicide Based on his account with Cromwell.  Sure Cromwell was a great leader but he was a mere puppet in the plans to over the government.  The monarchist re-wrote history after they re-gained power.  The place of the Puppet is prominent in History.  If you look at Moses and Aaron.  Aaron was a mere puppet of the master of illusion Moses, as was Ramses.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Paths of Destiny and Choice

Around us the world moves and flows, the choses we make in life defines us.   We begin making choses in one or another as soon as we begin to analyze the world around us.  Do we walk to the toy or do we crawl to mum or dad. Do we ignore them as they call us and play with the toy!
At a young age our decisions maybe wrong put our parents, Teachers and those around us guide us.  All our decisions are not good but we decide at young age to experiment.  We may feed of others we may be the leader.  We decide to react to or to ignore the situation.  We also base decisions on what we think others we like.

My oldest has made decisions I am not proud of recently.  He is for some reason obsessed with his butt and decided to show it to his classmates; note he is only 4.  I don’t agree neither do others.  I am not sure what the chose means for later in life.  He is definitely a free spirit, and out of the box thinker.   He would rather create his own world and live in it.  A world mixed of Star Wars and Lego a world that can be created and mimicked.

Mattis loves to draw and creates unique items he has a genuine chance to love art.  My wife is an Aritist I love to create and write; and let my mind flow and see where it goes.
Back to the original topic life decisions and how they affect us.  Someone may praise you and you excel or they may praise you and you don’t like it in your heart so you don’t continue.  Negativity does the same to kids they can feed of it or they can be traumatized by it.   I am not condoning this I am just making a point.  They do this because the strive for attention and will take whatever they get.  How do we as parents turn it around that is a question to figure out as you learn to be a parent since every child reacts different to different things.

I know as parents we strive to improve our kids and we wonder do they just not understand; or do some understand and others don’t that is the question that frustrates us as parent making the decions for our kids and trying to get them to make decisions.  The question is do they understand now or later do some understand later in life the lessons of early.

Do we as parents put our own fears in our kids with not even trying or without our knowledge? Do we try not to and somehow they read us and know.  I had many fears as  kid but as an adult I have worked to overcome them and have conquered the fear.  I have trained myself to not fear it by listening to the ideas of others and trying it.  The first was public speaking I hated it but I was told two key pieces by an instructor in College when I mentioned this to hear.  Envision the most beautiful person in the room in there underwear and talk about an experience close to you.  It worked.

The thing I am beginning to wonder is do we strive four our kids to be too perfect in life and to not be kids.  Should we let them learn our mistakes as we did, should we just encourage them and let them learn from the world around them.  Should we guide them when they make the mistake I believe yes.  Should we punish them I agree as well as consequences are they key to succeeding in life.  Because for every action there is an action or reaction good or bad and kids need to understand.  The key is love but tough Love with fairness in life.   I have learned that we can be tough but fair at the same time.  Compliments go a long way in life.  It is not only kids that like to be complimented but adults too.  We want to be acknowledged for accomplishments at work.

Being Rewarded is part of being human.  We take positive compliments well but we don’t take negativity well.  Some of us shut down and some of us try to improve and strive to not do it again or find ways to improve.  Some of us even lash-out without even knowing it and make things worse.  This is the reaction of a toddler or young kid.  Some might do pieces of each reaction.
I remember one thing I was told that had an impact on my life and the choses I have made.  Back in 1994 we were sitting in the bar watching the World Basketball Championship that was hosted in Toronto I was doing my Wal-mart management training we were in the bar at the Ramada City Hall as it was called at the time.  One of the senior VP’s of Wal-mart was at the table next to us and heard us talking about putting a smile on our face and greeting the customer with a smile every day.  He said to us “Just remember this in life that no matter what night Mickey Mouse has or how he walks up in the morning Mickey Mouse always has a smile on his face.”

What does this mean in life I have thought about this a lot and have made it part of my life but it simply means “That we leave our problems behind us and move forward with a smile since the people we work with don’t care about our problems but want us there for their problems”.  People go to Disney to see the smiling mouse and no matter what we do in life people want to see a smile on your face and your best foot forward.  This applies more so to the service industry but can be made to apply to any aspect of life because at some point we are in service role whether we realize it or not.  Another key piece is that Mickey Mouse always exudes confidence and we should all attain to that as we are hero like Mickey to our Children and even those around us whether we want to  be or not.
Another piece to this is the simplicity that we leave the past behind us and move forward in life changing the lives of those near us.  A simple decision can change things a simple comment can make or break the spirit of a person.  The key point I am trying to make with this is that we need to embrace the challenges of life and remember them but move forward.   I lost my father at a young age and sure I remember him and what he taught me but not everyone knows he is gone I have chosen to remember and move on.  My Father was a great man and a person I am proud of to this day to have known.  I only hope when I pass that I am half the man he was.

In life decisions define us in our daily lives and the past of our ancestors define us and make us who we are.  There pieces are in us all and have a key part in our decisions whether we realize it or not.  Were they a war hero were they in Politics these pieces draw us forward to some degree in life?  I know this to be true I have several Politicians in my past and I have a desire to follow in their steps.  If you know your past you will understand what drives you and what makes you who you are.  These pieces are key to move us forward in life.  Sure we might not know but if we understand the why we will know the key to our desires and what moves us.

The decisions we make define us and move us backwards or forwards in life theyare the key to who we are; They define us they guide us.

I once hear that we must remember this that if we were die tomorrow and our eulogy were to be written what would it say and could anyone do it with confidence; and what they say about you.  The only way to truly do this is to put yourself in some one elses shoes a co-worker a friend or a person who were on a committee with.  Do you ask one person or do you want anyone to write the eulogy that you have touched.  The key is anyone because you never know who will be asked to write your eulogy.

I know my wife could ask many people to do my eulogy and audit my life and most could say something great about me am I boasting maybe but I  try to touch the people I met it might be short but if you piece together many it would be a great testament to my life.   The strange thing is my best friend  or my hairdresser would be the best you ask why the hairdresser.  I have gone to the same hairdresser for 24 years and hopefully many more.  I once asked by a friend why don’t you date here since we are good friends and I always said why jeopardize a great friendship.   We have done things together and have touched people we even ended up in Arthur after the Tornado in 1996 for a benefit dance just because we thought it the right thing to do after heading to a dance in junior Farmers the night of the dance that still went on.

The key is be prominent but not overbearing be a friend not an enemy take notice and people will remember you if you touch them they will touch you in some capacity.  You need to be the person that is not in the shadows but the persons that stands out and goes beyond the shadows.
I learned one key thing early in life after my father passed at young age of Cancer that there is no need to wait for tomorrow but to embrace today and flow with it.  This philosophy posseed me to go work in Bosnia-Herzegovina for 6 months on a NATO contract.  I look back at his life and that is how he lived his life he enjoyed life and embarrassed the simple things.  It could have been as simple as substituting for the piper who forgot to show up at a Bonspiel by grabbing a vacuum cleaner and piping in the final draw.

This very thing possessed me to help with the Bonspiel in 1999 and take over as the Chair in 2002 when I thought it had lost touch with my father’s vision for the Bonspiel and how it should be run.   I ran it for for 7 years before resigning in 2009.  A few years as Co-Chair and 5 as chair.  When I finally let go in 2009 I did it to make a legacy for myself but to not save my father’s legacy.  I needed to let go to realize this because my father was one of the people that defined it and wanted to save his memory or my memory of it but in the process was creating my legacy and not his. 
This goes back to the piece about knowing our past and how it defines us we are defined by our ancestors whether we realize it or not.  We take what we believe and what is in our genes and create our own legacy in life.

The simple key or complex key however you look at it is that we are a prodigy of our past and whether we want to or not we define the future generations; whether we realize it or not our genes define us our genes are passed on to the subsequent generations.   We are all a product of the past and a key to the future.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A comparison of modern religion mythology and Ancient Egypt

There are many parallels between modern religion and the ancient religions that proves that the ideas have been around for millennia and the concepts in the bible are not new.

The Greek, Norse and Ancient Egyptians are the most commonly known.

The Comparison of Greek mythology and the bible

I am sure you are thinking how is the parallel when there was three Gods, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon.  It is quit simple when the main Gods you here about were Zeus and Hades.  Is Zeus that different from our God.  The answer is no he had a son that was sent to earth to be among the mortals and teach them sure the way it came about was different but the meaning is the same.  Then of course there is Hades the or Satan.  Hades had dominion over the underworld.  Looking at this you have the classic basis for Good and Evil, Heaven and Hell. 

Sure there was many sub gods or sub immortals whatever you want to refer to them as.  The agents of Zeus were different then the Archangels of God such as Gabriel.  They helped to explain and guide the mortals same as the belief in angels in modern religious cultures.  The sub-gods of ancient Egypt helped man the same as the angels of the bible.  This takes us back to the spiritual elements that within us all we have good and evil that the bible is just a newer modern version of Ancient myths.

You can also question this based on the children of the Gods.  There is Ares the god of war but you can draw that parallel to the devil as well.  The ability for war and peace is in us all this is said in the bible by Jesus.

Here is 1 example
"Beware of false teachers who come disguised as harmless sheep, but are wolves and will tear you apart. You can detect them by the way they act, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit. You need never confuse grapevines with thorn bushes or figs with thistles. Different kinds of fruit trees can quickly be identified by examining their fruit. A variety that produces delicious fruit never produces an inedible kind. And a tree producing an inedible kind can't produce what is good. So the trees having the inedible fruit are chopped down and thrown on the fire. Yes, the way to identify a tree or a person is by the kind of fruit produced. "Not all who sound religious are really godly people. They may refer to me as 'Lord,' but still won't get to heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven. At the Judgment many will tell me, 'Lord, Lord, we told others about you and used your name to cast out demons and to do many other great miracles.' But I will reply, 'You have never been mine. Go away, for your deeds are evil.' (TLB, Matthew 7:15-23)

Example 2:
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. (NIV, Luke 6:45)

Example 3:
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight! (NAS, Isaiah 5:20-21)
Example 4:
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. "Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin! Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come! (NIV, Matthew 18:6-7)
Above are just a few examples of the questions on good and evil that we all face in our lives.
Even Jesus was tempted and overcame this in order to guide us that this is possible in our own lives by looking at our inner demons and vanquishing them the same as many other religions teach.

Digression 20: The Temptations Of Jesus

Matthew 4:1-11: "Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterwards an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God,command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again,Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him,and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him".
Other examples
"And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God..." (Luke 4:3). It must have been a constant temptation within the mind of Christ to question whether he really was the Son of God, seeing that everyone else thought he was the son of Joseph (Luke 3:23; John 6:42) or illegitimate (so John 9:29 implies), and that the official temple records described him as the son of Joseph (Mt.1:1,16; Lk.3:23, where "supposed" means 'reckoned by law'). He was the only human being not to have a human father. Phil. 2:8 implies that Jesus came to appreciate that he really was a man like us, inferring it was tempting for him to disbelieve he was the Son of God, or to misunderstand his own nature.
In modern religion the figure of jesus is the all in compassing figure of good in modern religion and then taken the Devil or Satan and combined all evil

The story of creation in ancient Greek can you see the parallels sure the central figures are different in the bible there was only one.

Prometheus and Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tatarus because they had not fought with their fellow Titans during the war with the Olympians. They were given the task of creating man. Prometheus shaped man out of mud, and Athena breathed life into his clay figure.
Prometheus had assigned Epimetheus the task of giving the creatures of the earth their various qualities, such as swiftness, cunning, strength, fur, wings. Unfortunately, by the time he got to man Epimetheus had given all the good qualities out and there were none left for man. So Prometheus decided to make man stand upright as the gods did and to give them fire.
Prometheus loved man more then the Olympians, who had banished most of his family to Tartarus. So when Zeus decreed that man must present a portion of each animal they scarified to the gods Prometheus decided to trick Zeus. He created two piles, one with the bones wrapped in juicy fat, the other with the good meat hidden in the hide. He then bade Zeus to pick. Zeus picked the bones. Since he had given his word Zeus had to accept that as his share for future troubles. In his anger over the trick he took fire away from man. However, Prometheus lit a torch from the sun and brought it back again to man. Zeus was enraged that man again had fire. He decided to inflict a terrible punishment on both man and Prometheus.
To punish man, Zeus had Hephaestus create a mortal of stunning beauty. The gods gave the mortal many gifts of wealth. He then had Hermes give the mortal a deceptive heart and a lying tongue. This creation was Pandora, the first women. A final gift was a jar which Pandora was forbidden to open. Thus, completed Zeus sent Pandora down to Epimetheus who was staying amongst the men.
Prometheus had warned Epimetheus not to accept gifts from Zeus but, Pandora’s beauty was too great and he allowed her to stay. Eventually, Pandora’s curiosity about the jar she was forbidden to open became to great. She opened the jar and out flew all manor of evils, sorrows, plagues, and misfortunes. However, the bottom of the jar held one good thing – hope.
Zeus was angry at Prometheus for three things: being tricked on scarifices, stealing fire for man, and for refusing to tell Zeus which of Zeus’s children would dethrone him. Zeus had his servants, Force and Violence, seize Prometheus, take him to the Caucasus Mountains, and chain him to a rock with unbreakable adamanite chains. Here he was tormented day and night by a giant eagle tearing at his liver. Zeus gave Prometheus two ways out of this torment. He could tell Zeus who the mother of the child that would dethrone him was. Or meet two conditions: First that an immortal must volunteer to die for Prometheus. Second, that a mortal must kill the eagle and unchain him. Eventually, Chiron the Centaur agreed to die for him and Heracles killed the eagle and unbound him.
If you know the Christian creation story well you can see parallels that are astonishing in the Greek myth of creation.  Just look at the female Pandora and what parallels there about her suffering.  Is the jar of Pandora any different than the tree of knowledge in the bible or the symbol of the serpent.
The  Norse myth of creation vs Christianity
Here is the Norse Myth of Creation

The Norse Creation Myth
The Norse creation myth begins, as I have already written, with nothing but dark chaos. This nothing, called Ginnungagap, is placed south of Nieflheim, where there is only ice and north of Muspelheim where there is nothing but glowing embers (I1, 5).
In Ginnungagap the ice from Nieflheim and the parks from Muspelheim meet and create an evil giant called Ymir. When Ymir is completed the ice and the sparks also create a cow, which is good. The cow feeds the giant Ymir, and itself is licking blocks of ice. One day when it is licking a huge ice block the god of Love, Bure, comes out of it. (I4, 5)
Later on Bures offspring has a struggle against Ymir and the other giants. Ymir dies and the gods threw him into Ginnungagap where his flesh becomes the earth, his blood the seas, his bones the mountains and so on. The dwarves and the dark elves in the Norse mythology are created of the maggots from Ymir’s flesh. (I5, B1)
When some of the gods are walking on a shore they see two tree trunks and give them souls, motions and senses. These become the two first humans, Ask and Embla. (I5, B1)
In the above example take a look at it closely do you see similarity if you say not you are wrong just look at the last line the name Ask and Embla or Adam and Eve.  Made from a living thing a treat in the bible wasn’t Adam first created from Dust and Eve from Adam. It is a little different but essentially the same.  The symbolism of the tree is key to this because of the symbolism with wind and air.  The wind is considered the breath of life so the use of the tree trunks.  Just think of the following analogy.  The air brings life to the tree and the wind sustains the tree.  The same can be said of us air is the key to life and in the air we arose to become what we are.
It might be different but the basis is the same to explain something to the simple minded folk that things were created for.  Just remember the bible is the same you have to think for yourself explore for yourself the similarities to religion and myth are incredible.
The Egyptian religion has many parallels to Christianity I am placing several examples from the Book of the dead in here so that you can see what I mean.  It will help you to see how much Christianity has stolen from other religions and myths.   It will also help you realize that there is no such thing as a pagan in the Christian sense.

The Negative Confession
Hail, Usekh-nemmt, who comest forth from Anu, I have not committed sin.
Hail, Hept-khet, who comest forth from Kher-aha, I have not committed robbery with violence.
Hail, Fenti, who comest forth from Khemenu, I have not stolen.
Hail, Am-khaibit, who comest forth from Qernet, I have not slain men and women.
Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain.
Hail, Ruruti, who comest forth from heaven, I have not purloined offerings.
Hail, Arfi-em-khet, who comest forth from Suat, I have not stolen the property of God.
Hail, Neba, who comest and goest, I have not uttered lies.
Hail, Set-qesu, who comest forth from Hensu, I have not carried away food.
Hail, Utu-nesert, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have not uttered curses.
Hail, Qerrti, who comest forth from Amentet, I have not committed adultery, I have not lain with men.
Hail, Her-f-ha-f, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have made none to weep.
Hail, Basti, who comest forth from Bast, I have not eaten the heart.
Hail, Ta-retiu, who comest forth from the night, I have not attacked any man.
Hail, Unem-snef, who comest forth from the execution chamber, I am not a man of deceit.
Hail, Unem-besek, who comest forth from Mabit, I have not stolen cultivated land.
Hail, Neb-Maat, who comest forth from Maati, I have not been an eavesdropper.
Hail, Tenemiu, who comest forth from Bast, I have not slandered [no man].
Hail, Sertiu, who comest forth from Anu, I have not been angry without just cause.
Hail, Tutu, who comest forth from Ati (the Busirite Nome), I have not debauched the wife of any man.
Hail, Uamenti, who comest forth from the Khebt chamber, I have not debauched the wife of [any] man.
Hail, Maa-antuf, who comest forth from Per-Menu, I have not polluted myself.
Hail, Her-uru, who comest forth from Nehatu, I have terrorized none.
Hail, Khemiu, who comest forth from Kaui, I have not transgressed [the law].
Hail, Shet-kheru, who comest forth from Urit, I have not been wroth.
Hail, Nekhenu, who comest forth from Heqat, I have not shut my ears to the words of truth.
Hail, Kenemti, who comest forth from Kenmet, I have not blasphemed.
Hail, An-hetep-f, who comest forth from Sau, I am not a man of violence.
Hail, Sera-kheru, who comest forth from Unaset, I have not been a stirrer up of strife.
Hail, Neb-heru, who comest forth from Netchfet, I have not acted with undue haste.
Hail, Sekhriu, who comest forth from Uten, I have not pried into matters.
Hail, Neb-abui, who comest forth from Sauti, I have not multiplied my words in speaking.
Hail, Nefer-Tem, who comest forth from Het-ka-Ptah, I have wronged none, I have done no evil.
Hail, Tem-Sepu, who comest forth from Tetu, I have not worked witchcraft against the king.
Hail, Ari-em-ab-f, who comest forth from Tebu, I have never stopped [the flow of] water.
Hail, Ahi, who comest forth from Nu, I have never raised my voice.
Hail, Uatch-rekhit, who comest forth from Sau, I have not cursed God.
Hail, Neheb-ka, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not acted with arrogance.
Hail, Neheb-nefert, who comest forth from thy cavern, I have not stolen the bread of the gods.
Hail, Tcheser-tep, who comest forth from the shrine, I have not carried away the khenfu cakes from the Spirits of the dead.
Hail, An-af, who comest forth from Maati, I have not snatched away the bread of the child, nor treated with contempt the god of my city.
Hail, Hetch-abhu, who comest forth from Ta-she (the Fayyum), I have not slain the cattle belonging to the god.