Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TV. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Big Bang Theory ... The inner geek part 2

Since my first article had such an impact on the world I decided to write part 2 but where to start is the question a lot has changed since then.  Big Bang Theory has advanced to new levels in the past 3 years as well as my own life.

My Little guy is almost 3 and I see characteristics of Sheldon even in him he has own spot on the couch.  It is not the perfect wind to air ratio to positioning in the room.  My little dude is the positioning of the particular angle to the TV so he can watch his favourite TV shows or movie's.

I have began to wonder as I watch my little guy grow if Sheldon is the extreme in us all.  Is he what could happen to us all if things went to the extreme.  Then there is Raj the extreme on the dating scale where he needs a drink before he can even say hi to a girl.  Then there is Amy who I have yet to figure out she is the extreme on one hand and then on the other she is normal, or is she.

There is Penny and Bernadette the perfect yet not so perfect companion  for their boyfriends.  You then have the extreme Mother of Howard, who we can all see pieces of our own mother in caring and wanting to help but not to the extreme like her.

Back to the parallels I have been seen in life since the last 1.

People have the ability to be intelligent yet in the same breath they can be as dumb as a stump.  They do things that baffle common sense just like Sheldon, Raj, Leonard and the rest.

I saw a guy the other week that was the epitome of this he was riding a moped in shorts and sandals with a Third Reich style military helmet.  He looked so out of place it was a laugh.  Then there was the driver that missed the Tim Horton's drive through and ended up in the fence behind a tow truck.

I know the inner geek seems to be in us all even we think not it hides somewhere in us all.

I remember Ogre from revenge of the nerds who changed is ways after getting stuck on the island with the nerds and felt comfortable with them as they accepted him the way he was even though he teased them in the past.

If one can change can we all change and become a geek to some extent.  If our high-school self was to look at most of us now.  I am sure they would think we are geeks.  With the technology around us the computer the cell phone that is attached to our every being.  The little piece of technology that we cannot live without.

Just remember to some extent the characters of Big Bang make us not only laugh at them but help us to laugh at ourselves.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Big Bang Theory ...The inner Geek in us all ...

Nope not this one ... or maybe there are parallels to it the one I am refereing to is the the TV show ....

I have been watching the first 2 seasons of the Big Bang theory with my wife and have come to the conclusion I can see myself in pieces in the characters as I am sure most people could.  If you watch it you will see a quirk that you might not even think about.
Sheldon has his own quirks that is for sure his spot his routine and nothing can deviate from these parts of his lfe.  Wednesday is HALO night or is it Thursday but it is not the point he is a creatuure of routine.
Bathroom at a certain time and dinner can't deviate from that becasue he will go at work and that is unacceptable.
The one thing I can say is there are certain things in our lives that must be done a certain way and if someone tries to change it you might be unhappy.  Generally we are accomodating but the character of Sheldon goes to the extreme in most cases. 
The Room-mate agreement with Leonard is obsurd but makes for laughing points that is for sure as this always gets brought up from time to time.
Then there is the movie references Leonard in one episode in a game they are playing called guess that character.  He is a robot from Star Wars and says as a clue the droid is a skinny shinny version of Sheldon.
The droid is C3-PO.
There is also TV reference all to SCI-FI shows and even references to comic book characters and even the different types.
It is GEEKDOM to the extreme that is for sure.
It makes us laugh at the inner geek in us all that is for sure.
It makes us look at ourselves and see our faults or flaws.