Showing posts with label Ramblings of an IT Admin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramblings of an IT Admin. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Interesting response to an E-mail to leave PC's on

Today at work I sent out a request for the users to leave their PC's on when they leave the office at days end.  I need to rollback our Antivirus software.

I got an E-mail back from one user how do I turn my Surface on .. We are on Wifi.

How do you respond to this.

The brain capacity or lack there of in some people truly amazes me

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another wonder of why

I always think I see everything and the nope something else rears its head

Notice the cables ran in to a switch cupboard not punched in to the panel. Why would you not take the time someone will plug in and nothing my question is where do these run. Joys of inheriting a networking mess.

This was the icing on the cake with this project
or so I thought.  Changed the IP on the switches that had no IP addresses for them other than the default.  Changed  it only to find out that the old Antique AS/400 went offline it had a ghost IP in it that was used for connecting. 

The AS/400 was last updated in 1994 it has version 8 current OS is 28.1,  I am waiting for it to die so they will update the Production management at 500.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It is amazing how people just don't get it

Where I work we deal with a company that remotes in and configures our lines. I need to explain 3 and 4 times what I want done. The frustrating part is we deal with them in text or email and outline everything as clear as possible.
In my instructions for example I will put in the following.
1. We need the unit to print when the count hits 10 bypassing the scale as a variable in the equation

Response: so you want me to eliminate the scale are you sure

I always feel like responding did you read what I just sent you. But I bite my tongue or control the fingers and reply yes.

This is what I deal with all the time clarification and reclarify and then asking is it plugged in can't see it anymore. It is so hard sometimes to control what I want to say and be diplomatic. Thank goodness to have my blog to complain to it helps me keep my sanity at times

The saga with this company is well interesting, simple things can take an afternoon a day or 2 of texting back and forth while testing it. The biggest problem they have is getting the units to print. I think that it is mostly since it goes to another server and says here u print I am to dumb. That it is as it takes for ever to configure it to send a print string of maybe 50 characters.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why do people do things that make you go hmmm.

I see everything in what I do in this regard. The past few weeks I have seen a bunch of them.

Here is a list of them
1. Computer is plugged in no power. Ok I thought bad power supply or other issues went down to check out the problem at the far end of the plant. The issue was as follows everything was plugged in to the power supply including the power bar. Ok where is the electricity going to come from. I unplugged the power from the power bar and plugged it into the wall jack and voila power.

2. I also saw the same thing when I was testing items for an upcoming line inspection with Honda. This one was slightly different power bar plugged in to two outlet extension cord. The extenstion cord was the looped around the post where the electrical outlet was and was plugged back into the 2nd receptacle. Another case of where does electricity come from in your world.

3. Why do you need to send a 90MB file to yourself. The mail queue at work got bogged down today and crashed. I had a user who was trying to send a 90MB file to himself. WHY??

Oh well the wonderful world we live in it keeps us on our toes that is for sure

Friday, July 9, 2010

XP - Vista or Windows 7

This is a qestion that will be around for awhile as businesses and home users alike have their preferences.

I have ran all three and continue to run all 3 all for different reasons

My XP machine believe it or not is my oldest machine but yet it is a work horse none the less. It chugs along and doesn't care that it houses my Virtual Environment on it running VMWARE Workstation. He continues to play along and have fun. His memory is taxed at times since my Virtual Environment has an MS 2003 Server R2 with Exchange 2003 running on it.  I have my monitoring software for my network on this old machine as well sending me notifications of issues with my network I have a free version that I use that is to customize and powerful for a free version.  The program that I use is Total Network Monitor the program can be found at  This little machine also serves as a web server and an FTP server to boot. 

I have a Laptop running Vista not sure why I am runing it still. it keeps giving us greif I am going to have to redo it yet again. ... I think when a get a chance it is going to Windows 7
This machine works in true Vista fashion like a boot without an anchor it just drifts in its own world.  It looses our Wireless network at home on a regular basis  chooses to connect to what ever network it finds.  Where we are there are 2 unsecure networks it connects to them regularly.  wouldn't allow my wife to login to her profile yesterday told her she wasn't valid on the domain anymore.
It even crashes running Windows Media Player had to put Divx Player on it.  I know it is better but streaming videos and music is supposed to work well when it is set as a media center I set it up this way for easy of use.  and it doesn't want to play. ... no pun intended  with the palying of music and video.

Windows 7 on to Laptops .. they just work a few little issues like with any OS but not the continaul crashes that occured with Vista.  I did have Windows 7 on the machine that i reverted back to XP since it had issues with the Video editting software and allocating the resources to my Virtual Environment.  Other than that I can't really say that much bad about Windows 7.  It does take a bit to get to used to since items are in different locations.  but from a General user stand point it is relative easy to use.

All in all I think the OS issues are simple avoid Vista unless you like pulling your hair out or  wanting to throw your computer out the window.  Vista is like a 2 year old.  XP like the mother or father and Windows 7 it is like the 20 something child still at home.  It has issues but is an evolution in the right direction away from the nest.  Windows 7 can almost clain to be as robust as Windows XP was after years of evolution that got XP to where it was.  Before XP there was Windows 95 then Windows 98 built on that there was NT4 and then decided on the Window 2000 Environment for offices to follow on the stability of Win NT4 successful it was. 

The home world took a dive with Windows ME it just was a plain disaster. I know I personally didn't touch and rolled alot of my clients back to Windows 98 for stability. 

Then Microsoft combined the knowledge of 98 and Windows 2000 together to give you Windows XP.  Then came along an idea born from not XPerience and that was VISTA a problem from the get go... they decided to reinvent the wheel and well outit came with broken spokes and sort of flat on one side.
Now we have Windows 7 a combination of knowlege and failure heading in the right direction and learning from past mistakes and failures. just like we do in life itself.

If you have a machine designed for XP it might be able to handle Windows 7 depending  on its age if you have one that came with Vista I strongly recomend upgrading to Windows 7 or rolling back to XP if you have the option

Can We Control Google

Came in to work this morning and had a ticket in my queue
That just blows yor mind it come from one of our Senior Web Editors where I work as a Systems Administrator.

I looked at it thought oh my god ....
The ticket in a nutshell said we have changed a website and replaced content that used to be in this folder and moved it to this one. Google is still pointing to the old one can you have Google re-index this for us issue them a 301 request. ...
We want this change made immediatley.
As if we can control Google indexing we have no way at all.  Google is a 3rd party solution.
They will just need to wait until Google reindexing...
The dumb thing is they have the link right there front and center for you to click so people will find it anyway.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Even IT Personnel can be a little dense

I got a service desk ticket the other day where I am currently working and it was well unique to say the least.

Title on ticket can't email 2.5GB file.getting response back rejected by server
You would think as i did what the heck is someone e-mailing that is that large and why ....
After digging in further to the details in the ticket he was trying to upload 2.5GB to the FTP site.
I had to check the logs after getting clarification from the IT Admin at the site who well was as helpful as the ticket itself all he could give me was 550 Error which is as generic as the Red Car.

I checked in to the logs further at the time they were uploading it and six people were trying to upload the same block of files that totaled 2.5GB causing the server to refuse subsequent files since the first had control

Next day got a call ran out of space wnated to know how to delete files as they could no longer upload since they had reached quota and filed the disk in the process.  This again is the IT personnel ... ARGHHHH.
Brick wall would have been nice to bash head off of. .... well maybe foam softer.  I told him i have no idea what you need we just supply the space you control what is in it.  Delete what you don't need, or what you think you don't need

Printer Problems -- or Was it User or just ....

I work as an IT Consultant and things you see that make you go hmmm!!

One of my clients had a printer that died it had no power so I went to check it and sure if enough
It had no power I checked the connections, moved the power connection to another power outlet still nothing. Since the unit was under warranty I called HP.  The tech I got was a genius the first thing he said to me after I explained the issue is that I need to perform a self test on the printer to see what error code it is getting. I tried to explain to him the unit is dead and there is no power no lights on the unit nothing is working he insisted that he needed the error code so he could enter it in to the ticket.  Got love the first level techs who read off a piece of paper.

1. Ask user this
2. Then Ask this
they have no capacity beyond that and if you go beyond that step by step piece of paper oh now the world has come crashing down around them.

After ten minutes trying to get the genius to well think.
I responded will the error I am getting here is D E A D does that help. He then gave me the case #: so I could send it back under warranty.

This is not the end however of this story It got shipped back to the client when the repair work was completed and I got a call saying it was doing the same thing as before.

I went to the clients site plugged in the power and voila it started printing.