Saturday, August 28, 2010

The new House ...

We are building officially the old house has been sold here are the pictures of the new house

The new Hosue

The new House kitchen

The new House Main upstairs bath

The new House Ensuite bath

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mattis Man .. The Cousins and the Splash Pad

On Saturday Aug 14 we went to Lions Park in Paris and met Nana and the kids of Karyn Jeremey and Erika.  We played at the Park and then went to the Splash Pad .. Mattis had a great time with Daddy and Mommy
So here we are:

This Pic as I was posting it reminded me of an album from the 80's by Tears for Fears 'Songs from the Big Chair'  this is family in the Big Chair
Mattis and his Cousins with Aunt and Uncle

Mattis enjoying the sprinklers

This is fun Daddy

I am a little wet but I love Water!

A little Video of Mattis Enjoying the Water

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mattis Man and the Boat 2010

Mattis had his first boat rides at the cottage this year here is the mattis enjoying the boat ride at the cottage in Quebec

The sun was in his eyes and he hates sunglasses

Mattis Man on the Boat a little video

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mattis at the Computer .. look out world of Computers the Mattis is here!!

Mattis just loves to do what Daddy does or at least try wants to type so I sat him on the chair at my desk and he was very content to pound on the keyboard for my desktop.

This is fun I like computers
Me and mummy I type you look pretty for the camera mum

Port Dover and Dinner at Callahans on the Beach

The three of us at Callahans on the beach

Mattis wetting his feet in Lake Erie with Daddy
Mattis and Mommy on the beach

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Big Bang Theory ...The inner Geek in us all ...

Nope not this one ... or maybe there are parallels to it the one I am refereing to is the the TV show ....

I have been watching the first 2 seasons of the Big Bang theory with my wife and have come to the conclusion I can see myself in pieces in the characters as I am sure most people could.  If you watch it you will see a quirk that you might not even think about.
Sheldon has his own quirks that is for sure his spot his routine and nothing can deviate from these parts of his lfe.  Wednesday is HALO night or is it Thursday but it is not the point he is a creatuure of routine.
Bathroom at a certain time and dinner can't deviate from that becasue he will go at work and that is unacceptable.
The one thing I can say is there are certain things in our lives that must be done a certain way and if someone tries to change it you might be unhappy.  Generally we are accomodating but the character of Sheldon goes to the extreme in most cases. 
The Room-mate agreement with Leonard is obsurd but makes for laughing points that is for sure as this always gets brought up from time to time.
Then there is the movie references Leonard in one episode in a game they are playing called guess that character.  He is a robot from Star Wars and says as a clue the droid is a skinny shinny version of Sheldon.
The droid is C3-PO.
There is also TV reference all to SCI-FI shows and even references to comic book characters and even the different types.
It is GEEKDOM to the extreme that is for sure.
It makes us laugh at the inner geek in us all that is for sure.
It makes us look at ourselves and see our faults or flaws.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

DCS -- Easy Tech Tips: Past Versions of Windows .. .remembering the good ...

DCS -- Easy Tech Tips: Past Versions of Windows .. .remembering the good ...: "I stumbled across this site and thought i would share it It takes ..."

Too be a geek or not

We have created a geek or is it just the fact he sees technology around him and wants to be apart of it.

He wants to pound on the computers he is attracted to the mouse the keyboard.  The remote control the phone.  He has figured out the following at 9 months.

Remote 101 ..... lessons taught by a little one available for all ages ..
   How to change the channel
   How to turn down the volume

PC 101 ... lessons by a little one ...
   How to send e-mail
   How to bash on keyboard and get results
   How to move the mouse and click

Mattis Man and his computer .... We gave this to him to save our laptops ... he has sent e-mails he has pulled up websites by pounding on the keyboard.

Daddy I have an SD card ... wow can I put this in the Camera and take pictures and put them on my computer too ....

The toy ones are almost even realistic .....