Monday, September 27, 2010

The joy of Father hood

As the little guy grows he gets more personality everyday and brings a smile to my face with all the silly things he does.

From playing with his spoon to cocking his head. The smallest things in life he finds amazing from a new sound to the remote control.
I find it interesting how simple things can be so fascinating the things we take for granted he is learning and seeing for the first time in life.
From the carpet to the bugs from the coffee cup from Tim Hortons to just about anything
The simplest things he finds funny

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another Weekend gone

Why do the weekends go by so quick that is the thing I can't figure out
We spend our lives working so we can have all the luxuries not that I am against it.
We work 5 days get 2 days off.  Spend more time at work then with our families.

At least I get to see the things Mattis does he is crawling all over now and yesterday drove the shopping cart.
Yes at Sobeys they have carts with steering wheels so the kids can think  they are in control.

I will try to psot a pic later of this just don't have the time this morning.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The end of Summer 2010

According the calendar it is not over but according to the measurements in my life it is.
The Paris Fair is over and so is the annual Burford Flea Market which is the weekend after labour day.

It has been a busy summer that is for sure many things happened.  We sold our House and in the process of building a new house which we will take possesion of in Mid November.  The excitement begins I have already been dealing with them on many issues and opportunities that are arising.

Anyway back to the end of the summer.  The flea market was a relative success for us we found a few bargains.  We found an old Antique Mirror no idea of the age.  The mirror will be going in to the Foyer of our new home.  We found a desk, a basketball net, and a slide for Mattis for the new house as well.  It is in storage at Mums until we move as we don't have the space in our current house.

Other things from the summer endless cleaning of the house so it would look spotless and the stripping out of items so the house looks bigger to help it sell.  We were not sure  if all our work would pay off but it did and the steps to the next Chapter in our life has begun.  The packing begins to pack up the contents of our old house and to move to the new house is just beginning.

Quebec City in a flying trip well for me anyway Mel and Mattis were there for 10 days me just a weekend.

Ah the summer of 2010 is over and it just a part of our memories but the memories are here to stay thank goodness for that.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mattis Man and the new House

On the weekend we take Mattis up to the new house so that he could see his new digs.  even though we don't get possesion till November it was something we wanted to do so here are a few pics of the little guy outside the new house.
We can only get in with the site spervisor, since it is under construction.

We were at the building office on Monday signing the final ammendmant papers and Mattis was pounding on the map where his bedroom was.  I asked if he wanted the other room and he looked at me and pounded on the same room.  It is almost like he knows which room is going to be his

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The new House ...

We are building officially the old house has been sold here are the pictures of the new house

The new Hosue

The new House kitchen

The new House Main upstairs bath

The new House Ensuite bath

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mattis Man .. The Cousins and the Splash Pad

On Saturday Aug 14 we went to Lions Park in Paris and met Nana and the kids of Karyn Jeremey and Erika.  We played at the Park and then went to the Splash Pad .. Mattis had a great time with Daddy and Mommy
So here we are:

This Pic as I was posting it reminded me of an album from the 80's by Tears for Fears 'Songs from the Big Chair'  this is family in the Big Chair
Mattis and his Cousins with Aunt and Uncle

Mattis enjoying the sprinklers

This is fun Daddy

I am a little wet but I love Water!

A little Video of Mattis Enjoying the Water

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mattis Man and the Boat 2010

Mattis had his first boat rides at the cottage this year here is the mattis enjoying the boat ride at the cottage in Quebec

The sun was in his eyes and he hates sunglasses

Mattis Man on the Boat a little video