Saturday, June 23, 2012

What is the Bible and God Really? Does it Have Historical Accuracy?

You are still in doubt if you are a devoted Christian I am sure if you are on the borders you are starting to see my point.  Start to think in terms of Science what science has proven.  One example is the creation story does it actually make sense to you.  If it does you are still stuck within the box.  Think about the dinosaurs they roamed centuries before man and they have been proven the bible pays no mention to this.  The reason is the bible was written; well not exactly the stories were told by town story tellers and leaders to help the masses.  It was used to distill values it was never a history like we are made to believe today.  If the Bible was a historical document handed to the people by god like we are made to believe wouldn’t the dinosaurs be in it.  Sure you can argue against this but what leg do you have to stand on.

Under the direction of Emperor Constantine of Rome the bible was devised as way of uniting the many religions of the Roman Empire under a common thread.  The Bible was never intended to be a Historical document.  Sure you can argue this but have you really thought about it have you actually studied history and analyzed things; have you compared the bible with other mythologies or religions. 

Yes you can argue that the bible follows a chronological order from Genesis through to the New Testament.  But really do they make sense as a historical document.  The Church has tried to argue this point see its inception.  But if you compare the stories to ancient Egyptian they draw parallels.  A prime example is the exit from Egypt to be free of the bonds of slavery.  Have you ever thought of that in the following terms?  The story is a guide for the spirit within us all to be free and happy to be free from the bonds of slavery to seek Nirvana.  The journey is long as is our journey through life we all go through trials we all have to choose the path which is right for us.  However the one thing we all seek is a place we can call our own.

If you are starting to question things good if you are not start analyzing things deeper start questioning things.  Deep within inside you know the truth it is in all of us the church has been controlling the lives of man for years making us believe false truths.
Think about this.  Why did the Da Vinci Code and the Holy Blood Holy Grail cause a controversy in the church and rock its foundations. 

Has the church been hiding behind lies; is the church scared that their fundamental lies are now being questioned as mankind becomes more and more educated.  It is obvious yes as they would not keep trying to dispel all the books that are coming out such as the Judas Papers, the Jesus Papers and the Gnostic Gospels if they were not.

 I am only opening your eyes; you have to think for yourself, read for your self, start asking questions, start thinking outside the box, and stop the trend of your mind being controlled by historical inaccuracies.  Look at the Historical facts.  The one fact that is wrong in the bible is Herod he wasn’t alive at the time of Jesus’s Execution.  If he even was executed.  Herod died in 4 BC before Christ was even born. 

The one question you truly need to ask is why the modern church tries to cover up various books of fiction or are there some hidden truths in them that the church is afraid of.  You hear about these and other books.   The one thing I say to you is why does the church say this and hide behind false truths.  It is because if you gain knowledge you have power and the church wants to be the ultimate power.  The truth is that knowledge is power and with knowledge we grow and understand.  The only thing that modern Church has done is to create a myth that has caused a rift within mankind.  It has caused wars it has caused atrocities around the world.  The simple truth is that we are no further ahead now then we were during the crusades.  The only difference is different players.   The Crusades was France and England leading the charge to quell the infidels now it is the Americans and oh my god the British yet again.

The true question of the existence of Jesus is quit simple.  You can try and prove the existence of Jesus or God mathematically as various people have.  One of the most famous people in History tried to do so and the was Albert Einstein here is what he came up with.

Albert Einstein’s equation states that Energy = Mass x C2. The law of physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
Which means the energy that created the universe cannot have a beginning nor an end. Also, there must be something that existed before the universe and that will continue to exist after the universe. That is the definition of God.
By applying Albert Einstein’s formula, the universe must have a creator because the universe has mass (M). God does not need a creator because God does not have mass (M). God is energy (E).
Thus when people ask the question, “If God created mankind, who created God?”, they mistakenly imagine God as having a form or mass; Only mass needs a creator, not energy.
The creator of mass is of course, energy. The theory of God’s existence is in line with mathematical theory”
Now the question you have to ask yourself is God real or is he merely energy the driving force behind everything since in order for any occurrence of life to occur you need energy.  It is simply put Energy is the driving force behind all.  Energy is the force that connects us binds us and holds together.  This brings to light the Force in Star Wars.  The force is the energy that connects all living things it binds humans with the animals the trees the grass and other humans we draw energy from our surroundings.  Therefore energy is God and God is not an all encompassing power but is the power that drives us all and connects us with those around us.
Does this prove the question that the bible is a historical document no it doesn’t but this information should cause you to question its existence, further as the bible is a merely a collection of parables with some historical accuracy.  They were combined and tweaked and taken from various religious sects at the time of the Narcean Convention ordered by Emperor Constantine in order to bring order and control to the many religions in the Roman Empire nothing more.  The bible was never meant be Historical fact it was merely a coming together of the minds and religious leaders of the time to bring order to the chaos to help the people live their lives.

Can mathematics prove the existence of God and in turn the bible?  I don’t think so How can mathematics prove feelings and beliefs that are encoded within our very DNA passed down from generation to generation?
How can it prove something so simple and it makes us who we are how can it prove the very existence of our values and our willingness to do what is right or wrong.
The whole thing is about balance in order for good to exist there needs to be evil.  So with this statement in mind there is within us all heaven and hell we just chose the path based on the force within us that is stronger.  It is not driven by some dynamic encompassing force; but if you need this to believe in yourself than so be it but I don’t think you do search your feelings do you need a false deity to determine self.  I know I don’t as do many others.  We have the ability to love we have the ability to hate just because you believe in some all mighty power doesn’t mean you love more than a person who does not.   Who knows you might love less than someone who doesn’t a statement that states “You will know they are Christian because of their love” holds no weight.  Just think about it are your beliefs misplaced do you believe in yourself.  The way I see it if you need a mythological god to define your existence for what you chose to be right and wrong you need to re-evaluate things.  I am not saying that you aren’t confident or you aren’t strong; But to just think about things and what Religion truly is.
Know that I have rocked the foundations here do you still think that bible is fact or a collection of stories.  If you do I suggest you take the time to read the following books The Pagan Christ and the Jesus Papers.
Just consider this before moving on the Bible and its contents is an elaborate piece of literature originally designed to bring together various religions in the Roman Empire.  It was a collection of Ancient writings used by various religious groups and was tweaked to give us values in order to bring order to society.   It is not fact it is not historical sure it has historical references.  The Bible has taken sections from everything from Ancient Egypt to the Gnostics of the time.  To prove this read “the book of the Dead” from Ancient Egypt and no it is not like in the movie the Mummy.  The book of the Dead in the Mummy is a Hollywood lie and not what the book of the Dead contains.  Also read the Gospels the Church tries to deny make your own judgments.   Heck even read the Da Vinci Code and question things based on it why is the church so afraid of a Holy Blood line why do the deny the Priory of Sion or the secret of the Knights Templar.
If the bible is a piece of literature based on historical fact why does it contradict itself?  To prove my point analyze the timelines of the life of Jesus if it was fact wouldn’t they agree with each other
Matthew Luke and John all have different historical dates as to when events occurred in History the Church itself has a different date.  Therefore the Bible can’t be historical accurate but a compilation of writings that have been altered.  This is easy to prove just think about any other historical figure that did exist like Napoleon Bonaparte his reign is well documented Jesus’ reign was never documented with historical accuracy.  The reason is because he was created.  He is a culmination of several figures that existed over the course of several hundred years that helped pave the way for the creation of the bible and the creation of Jesus himself. 

Getting back to Napoleon there is no doubt when he was born when he died and what he did; but with Jesus there is doubt.  There is doubt because Jesus never existed in the context he was he wasn’t divine but a mere collection of Rebellion leaders from the Royal Blood Line of David.  These people had one goal and that goal like any strong political family or group regain what is rightful yours.  They used propaganda of the time the prophecies of the Old Testament to achieve their goals.  The reason you ask it is quite simple the average person knew these stories as they were passed down from generation to generation either verbally or in writing.

You need to ask yourself a question.  Just think I know you have the ability to as we all do because we are what we make ourselves.  Why is there so much doubt around Jesus why does the church always try to persuade you that they are right and there is no other way?  Why is the church so adamant about new views it is simple they are afraid that the general populace will realize that Christianity is based on lies and deceit.

The one thing you need to remember is the feather from the popular movie Forest Gump starring Tom Hanks.  The feather is destiny it floats around bumping off of various items before it lands on Forests foot.  It is a symbol that states destiny is not controlled by one figure but that we are like a feather drifting through our lives and you never know what will, or who will redirect or change the course of our lives.  Just remember the feather and remember this a single person or a supreme being doesn’t control our lives we do by the choices we make every day;  The people or things we come into contact with just like the feather that gets redirected by wind and cars until it lands at its final destination the foot of Forest Gump.

Other information is available to prove that the bible is based on falsehoods just look at the writings would a god of peace order his people to war for him.  Do you really think a God of this nature would order his people to war?  No he did not because if he did he wouldn’t be the god of peace now would he.  The stories in the bible are away for religion to condone the acts of war that are taking place even today.  War is never about God but about mere greed wanting more money more land etc.  Religion of all kinds not just the Muslims have used jihads to gain respect or notoriety the Christians did it for centuries what do you think the purpose of the crusades were.  The church needed to drum up believers so why not create a war in the holy lands or the lands that the great myth was based on to drum up beliefs in people. 

The name of Jesus and the name king of the Jews what does this mean why did the Romans call him king of the Jews.  The reasoning is quit simple there is evidence that the Romans didn’t destroy all descendants of David like they thought and Jesus was this very person.  His main difference from the others is that he was tyrannical and wanted to drive the Romans out.  If he was a mere preacher do you think they would have agreed to execute him?  Just think about that they wouldn’t have found something in searching archaeological finds to support such a great man.

There are other examples in the bible to support this as well just look at the new Testament it is full of contradictions and falsehoods the gospels of Matthew Mark Luke and John are all different sure you can say that it is because there are 4 different people but if they were written by his supposed disciples wouldn’t they be similar in some respect..  The reason they are different is because they were written hundreds of years after by a collection of religious leaders to bring old myths to a new religion.  All you need to do is compare Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian religions like I have mentioned earlier to prove what I am saying.

The examples are as follows
The nativity itself is pure fiction and was devised to create new gods in the Roman Empire and then solidified at the Narcean convention.  To create new why not just simply redevelop the old with a new twist and steal from a Nation you have conquered.  The nation I am talking about was the Greeks.  There is also a Norse influence as well as Celtic and other sects that the Romans conquered.  Just think about it if you wish to bring a religion to your lands why not take pieces from all of them combine them and mold them by getting the priests or leaders to agree and then make it a historical document by saying it was devised by God.

The one question that I have is that why in a world of science and History a world of knowledge do we need a false document and a false god?

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