Showing posts with label Mattis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mattis. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mattis new fish

We had to take Andy back under warranty. That was Mattis's Betta who recently died died so we exchanged him for a couple goldfish.
He has called them Bob and Manny.


Bob an Manny enjoying there new home no idea who is who. Mattis just calls the them Bab an Manny he hasn't determined who is who.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mattis and His Harmonica

Mattis got Harmonica at a birthday party on the weekend and he just loves it
Here is playing a tune on his Harmonica. It is a Mattis original.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mattis Vacuuming at Cottage in Quebec

Mattis loves to clean. I started Vacuuming for Louise (Mother-in-Law) to help her out and Mattis had to try.

He loves cleaining so for Christmas we got him his own cleaning supplies. Kids cleaning toys that is.
He got a spray bottle a dust pan and a sponge. From Ali who looks after Mattis he got a toy vacuum.

Mattis and his new fish

Mattis found the container we used for cleaning his old fish bowl. He was carrying it around looking for it. We tried putting a toy fish in the container that wouldn't work. So we had to breakdown and get him another fish.

He has a good memory as his last fish died last summer while we were in Kentucky.

He now has a blue Betta named Andy
He feeds him every morning and has to say goodnight to him


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mattis blowing bubbles

Mattis blowing bubbles with Grandpa Jacques and Uncle Doug


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Mattis Video of Pictures for Birthday and a look back at 2 years

Here is a little collection of pictures I have put together for Mattis's 2nd Birthday

It is hard to believe the little guy is turning 2.  I have no idea where the time has gone.

When I looked back through the pictures it is amazing what I forgot from the past 2 years.

He is accomplished so much in the past 2 years and has done so much.
He now has his own personality that is for sure and he loves to be silly.
He loves Cars, Star Wars, Mickey Mouse and Toy Story  yes he is my son that is for sure.

He also loves to watch Bambi as well.

He discoverd my Star Wars stuff in the basement when I brought it to the new place from being stored at my Mums for several years.  Eevery time he is downstairs with me he needs to go get to guys to take upstairs to play with.  He now has about 20 figures upstairs and several ships. 

A few nights ago I put in the original Star Wars he was glued to the TV watching it contently.  When Darth Vader enters the blockade runner he turned to me and said "Darth".  The funny thing is i didn't tell him who it was.  Then everytime he saw him for the 1/2 hour we watched he would say "Darth".

I would have let him  watch the rest but it was bedtime.

Over the past 2 years Mattis has been to Quebec City numerous times.
He has been skating sort of he was in the sled
Snowshoeing the same
Swimming, Boat Rides, To our Nations Capital. 
He has been camping twice.
These are just a few of his many andventures.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mattis and the Charger

I rented through work a charger for our trip to Kentucky Melanie came along with me and Mr. Mattis stayed with Nana

He had to bring the Froggies to see the car as well

Here he is taking it for a spin ... he was in heaven

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mattis eating sushi

Mattis tried crab sushi and wasn't quiet sure.  The Crab is not raw he pulled out the crab and ate it but the outer seaweed part he didn't like it.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mattis and his tools

We got these today at Ikea he picked them out and well he played with them for almost an hour he figured it out all by himself

He is my little builder I guess he has been watching me hang and put together stuff in the house

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mattis Man Cleaning

Here are a few videos of Mattis Man
Mattis Cleaning the Island

He loves to help Here is cleaning the island in the kitchen
He also loves to hele load the dishwasher


Here is laughing with Elmo .. that is his tickle me elmo

Friday, October 29, 2010

A quiet house

Last night the little guy was having a sleep over at Nana's.

Mel and I went out for dinner and when we came back after doing errands watched a bit of TV downstairs.

After watching TV went upstairs and could sense the little guy wasn't in is crib. The house seemed so quiet with out the little guy in his crib.  Even though he is  a quiet little sleeper the house is quiet without him.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Matts almost a year ....

It is amzing hw much someone can change in a year especially when they are still an infant.
They start out not doing much of anything well not really .... They sleep, eat and go to the bathroom.  Then they learn to interact with you by giggling and smiling at anything and everything.
By the time they are one well at least from my experience alot has changed here is what mattis is doing
He enjoys all food he loves to laugh and make silly faces.
He loves to interact with people and his toys people are of more interest though.

A few weeks ago at the mall he decided to offer an young girl (teenager) his french fry and when she ignored him he got all bent of shape.

Anyway back to the changes he now speaks several words in English and French
Here are the ones I can remebmer
encore (means more in French)
matt --- from time to time
yum --- when he wants more food a boy he loves food

He also loves to mimic what we do or others
and of course mummy and daddy are a chew to from time to time.

He has five teeth and is thinking about walking.
He loves water

What else has he done his adventures are numerous at his young age that is for sure where to start.
Quebec City several times
Several Plane Rides
Multiple car rides that is for sure
Boat rides
camping in a trailer not a tent
A sleep in a hotel after we got off the highway on the way back from Quebec at christmas in a storm

He just enjoys life and has had many adventures

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sleepey Little Guy ...

After a long day of helping daddy with house work chasing the Vaccuum and then a little fresh air this afternoon cleaning the garden

And a bit of packing our little Mattis Man feel asleep in his high chair with his bottle

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Too be a geek or not

We have created a geek or is it just the fact he sees technology around him and wants to be apart of it.

He wants to pound on the computers he is attracted to the mouse the keyboard.  The remote control the phone.  He has figured out the following at 9 months.

Remote 101 ..... lessons taught by a little one available for all ages ..
   How to change the channel
   How to turn down the volume

PC 101 ... lessons by a little one ...
   How to send e-mail
   How to bash on keyboard and get results
   How to move the mouse and click

Mattis Man and his computer .... We gave this to him to save our laptops ... he has sent e-mails he has pulled up websites by pounding on the keyboard.

Daddy I have an SD card ... wow can I put this in the Camera and take pictures and put them on my computer too ....

The toy ones are almost even realistic .....

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our cute little ..... Geek

Here are some recent Pictures of Mattis

Mattis Man and his computer .... We gave this to him to save ourt laptops ... he has sent e-mails he has pulled up websites by pounding on the keyboard.

Daddy I have an SD card ... wow can I put this in the Camera and take pictures and put them on my computer too ....

I can also call you heee heee on my Blackberry  ... don't worry it isn't real it is a dumby

Yes we have a son who loves technology

Big Bang Theory and Mattis Man

Mel and I love the TV show Big Bang theory and have recently been watching the First 2 seasons since we picked it up in the 3rd season this past season.
Mattis .. perks up and dances everytime he hears the theme from it.  The theme song is by the Barenaked ladies.
It is rather cute his world stops and he begins enjoying it.

Here is a link to it on Utube:

Here are the lyrics to it.

Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,

Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang!

"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.

The bipeds stood up straight,
The dinosaurs all met their fate,
They tried to leap but they were late
And they all died (they froze their asses off)
The oceans and pangea
See ya wouldn't wanna be ya
Set in motion by the same big bang!

It all started with the big BANG!

It's expanding ever outward but one day
It will cause the stars to go the other way,
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!

Australopithecus would really have been sick of us
Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy
It all started with the big bang!

Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology
It all started with the big bang!
It all started with the big BANG!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mattis Man - becoming a Big boy

My little boy is growing and growing quick wow I can't beleive it
video from today Mattis 8 3/4 months drinking from a cup not a sippy cup with the help of mommy

Here is another video of Mattis Man having fun with Wrinkle dog from when we were kids I am sure our friends will remember them
I can't get over how quick he is growing up.....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

First few days

My first few days were spent with Mummy at the Brantford General Hospital.  Daddy came to see us after something called work. He was there most of the first few days as it was a weekend.  The next 2 were the work days.

 Mummy and Me hanging out at the hospital

Durring my time at Brantford general I met several Doctors and nurses who have put cold things on me and under my arms I have no idea what they do except make me cold. I got something stuck in my foot and pulled liquid out of me. I think they told Mommy and Daddy that it was blood.

 Dr. Powell and me ... she delivered me in to this glorious World on Oct 16, 2009

Saturday Oct 17- Monday Oct 19
I met my Nana Duncan and Aunt Karyn and a cousin whatever that is; named Andrew. Aunt Karyn was a nice lady who loved to hold me. My Nana is a very nice lady to I think I heard Mommy call her Mary Lou. I met 3 people called Bob, Cass and Kyle. I think it was Kyle who tried to poke me and smiled and giggled at me.

I also met a baby named Jared who was born to friends of Daddy and Mommy's named Michelle and Joel
I met a nice lady and man I think Daddy called them Sandy and Terry the commented on my hair and how I had a lot of it.

My second day Mommy had to call Daddy to wake him up and come in to help since she was finding it hard since her C-section and the fact I kept her up. Daddy got here about 6:30 and fed me and changed me.
Today I meant more people and got held and cuddled more I met Rachel, Jacob and Rob Paul. I think I heard daddy say that Rob was Michelle's sister. From how they talked I think Daddy has known him for awhile. Rachel held me and wanted to keep me she was cute.
I saw Terry and Sandy again.

The nurses are nice to me and have given mommy and daddy all sorts of pointers on how to care for and feed me.

Daddy has taken me for walks up down the corridor, mommy has come sometimes as well but she needs to rest.

I have set the door alarms off several times do to the proximity of my room to the security doors. I did it on a nurse and on Joel.

I think daddy knows a lot of people we went for another walk and we met more people that he knows These people were Cindy and Gavin I think Cindy is Michelle's sister. I also met there kids Owen and ?

Monday I think it was it was just Mommy and me were there until Nana came as Daddy had to do something called work but he came later to see us

Pictures of me