Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The old Model Train track

When I was out at Mum's last weekend I decided to show Mattis my model train set that I was working on at my mum's when I was younger.  In time I will need to take it a part and bring it in will likely re do it though in parts as there are a few things I want to change.

I placed him on a stool and he took in all that I had designed the only thing is that the wiring underneath had been ripped out 4 years ago when my mum had a flood in the basement and I needed to rip out the carpet. underneath.

Here are a few pictures

Mr Mattis looking at the farm

The town square it still needs work

The local watering hole

In time I will bring it in when little buddy is older and we will create the scenes like my dad and I did with my first creations with his help and guidance.

I will pass my wisdom on to him and my passion so he can enjoy it as I did.  The majority of the techniques I taught myself over the years.  When you want to create something that looks realistic you notice the colors in more detail in the the world around you.

As I was packing up some of the items I forgot how many buildings I hate built that were not apart of things in the new layout.  I bought buildings and assembled them and didn't like how  they fit in to the scenes.  I did change things over time as well I had a vision that never got fulfilled.  It got left behind when I first moved since there was not enough space in my first apartment.

In time I will be reunite with my passion that kept up to the wee hours redesigning and revamping over the years.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Planes, Trains, Automobiles and Star Wars

I forgot how the mind of a young boy works.  It is a joy to see things through his eyes and listen to him as he learns about the world around him.

He loves Trains, Planes, and Cars.  Every night I have to play cars with him or Star Wars.  He tells me who I will be or gives me the car or the character and says "you pay (play) with him".

I have been a landing pad and  a road;  I guess it is all apart of parent hood.  Melanie has had the some luxury as well.

He can spot planes in the sky and loves to watch them fly over head.  I was hoping to take him to the Brantford air show but I guess I won't this year as it was cancelled.  When we go for walks and he hears cars or trucks that are loud he will say " That car loud".  He loves to point out the big trucks and all the cars we drive past or walk past

He knows the names of our cars plus Nana's car and Mel's Parents and sisters car.  He just loves cars he would rather play with them or watch a movie with a car.  He loves Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Back to the Future as well as Cars.

Mattis Driving the Escape

The other day after we went to get groceries he wanted to go see the trains since we used to go before when we went to No-Fills in Brantford and now it is in Paris we don't go near the station but I told him I would take him this coming weekend.  I can't wait until he wants to help re-build my model train set that was a part of my child hood I will likely start re-building it soon just need to bring it in from my Mum's

Then there is Star Wars he loves Star Wars and asks to watch it all the time,  He has figures that go with him in his diaper bag and the odd time one seems to end up in a shoe or in bed.  Every-time we go downstairs to the basement he wants to get out another figure to bring upstairs.

Yes he is after daddy's own heart.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The many sides of Mattis

For a little man he can be complex and silly all in the same breath.

His words make you laugh at times. He tries I have to give him credit after a long day at work he is a pleasure to come home too. There are times he tests and tries our patience, but in all he is very well behaved little guy.

He is not a morning person that is for sure he gets up happy and would love to stay in his PJ's. He can be a little bear in the mornings. He just wants to cuddle and go at his pace in the mornings. I would love that most days too.

I know I mentioned words above so here are a few of his words and sayings

Slippers = sipplers
Large Coffee = coffee large
Play = Pay
Chitty Chitty bang bang = chitty bam bam

Mmm ... Milk in a coffee cup
He loves movies beyond his years the kids TV shows are of no interest other than Bob, Thomas and Mickey. He loves Star Wars, Back to the Future, Chitty Chiity Bang and Garfield too. His riding car he calls Chitty.

He has to be like us awhile ago I went to the Brown Dog Coffee shop and he needed is Milk in a coffee cup like Daddy.

Mattis in Chitty

He loves to play air guitar and the song he loves to get down too is Black Sabbath's Iron Man. He gets right in to it moving his head and body like a true little rock star.

 He is also an artist, He gets that from Mummy Daddy and Grandpa Duncan

He is a little comedian you never know what he is going to say or do.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Rondeau Videos

Mattis Kayaking at Rondeau Park

The little guy loves to kayak.  He just loves the Outdoors and water

Mattis Playing in the sand

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rondeau Provincial Park Adventure

We went camping at Rondeau Provincial Park south of Ridgetown on Lake Erie. I have been to over 10 Provincial Parks over the years and several conservation authorities and I have to say this is the nicest one I have been to.Rondeau Point has Lake Erie on one side on Rondeau bay on the other

Google map showing Rondeau

The first day was unpacking and down to the beach. The water was warm. The next day was rainy so we decided to find a local winery and did. The winery was Smith & Wilson. We tried a few and wow the had some great wines. We wandered around as the rain had stopped. Before we went there we went in to Blenheim to pick up a few things we forgot. Isn't one of Murphy's Laws. When you go camping you always forget to pack something you need even though you have a pre-made camping bin or two.

The  Smith & Wilson Winery, was an excellent little discovery the wines were amazing that we tasted we had to buy a few. If you like wine I suggest you make a trek to Blenheim to discover this little winery.

The wonderful view of the winery looking out over Lake Erie

We even had a little helper each day he helped with the dishes as it went on he got better

There was a day at the Beach enjoying the sun Mattis made a new friend her name was Paisley they got along great and had fun together.

 Yes he had to hold her hand when we walked to the beach the next day.  There campsite was next to ours.

Mattis and I went on a hike on the Marsh Trail he had a blast I had to carry him back his little legs did about 2 km out of the 3 km hike.  I had to carry him back the rest of the way he fell asleep in the car before we left the parking lot.  I then went on another trail on Wednesday afternoon called the Tulip Bush trail.

The Little Hiker trekking along the trail having a blast

Sunset over Rondeau Bay.

Mattis did some Kayaking he loves Kayaking here he is pretending to Kayak he did ride along with Mel in the Kayak.

It was a fun adventure that had to come to an end but we found a new place to go for family adventures and camping.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Mattis and his silly words

Mattis has a silly side to him when it comes to what he does he just makes you laugh

The other day he got out of bed before I left for work I heard him open the door I was trying to be quiet so he wouldn't hear me.  I was hoping he would just head in to see Mel.  I hear from the top of the stairs Daddy are you here.  I hear you.

Some of his words make you laugh for Barbeque he says Babybaque.
DVDs are VD's.

He know has a facination with flies since being at the cottage he wants to catch them since grandma Louise (Mel's mum was busy killing them)  We will be walking and out of no where Mattis will see a fly and try and catch the fly.  shouting mouche (fly in French)

Here are a few recent images of Mattis being silly

Mattis in Daddy's cowboy boots and his hat from Nana

Mattis below with his new beach hat

I love my little buddy and the joy he brings me.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Ancient Myths and Creatures

I have often wondered about the ancient myths and how they came to be.

You have centaurs and various creatures that appear in the Greco-Roman myths and tales how did they come to be and why.

The ancient people believed in all those creatures and there mystical powers they had come from somewhere.  How did they come to be, did they exist and do they still exist in a parallel world.  Did they become extinct like many creatures have on earth.

You have the ancient Gods and ancient creatures that have interacted with the Gods and with man you have pan the half man half goat that was a god of the Shepherds and watched over them.

Pan teaching his eromenos, the shepherd Daphnis, to play the pipes, 2nd century AD Roman copy of Greek original ca. 100 BC, found in Pompeii

There was medusa the lady with snakes in her hair that could turn man to stone.  The Minotaurs of Crete created by the king of Crete.  I wonder what was the purpose of this and why were they needed.

It is interesting as to why the are part of the ancients life.  We still hold a mythical belief today and a key part of alternate dimensions in sci-fi such as the Chronicles of Narnia.  Even the world of Harry Potter has its own mystical creatures.  Are these creatures just figments of man's wondrous imagination or did the exist.

We have different Gods that have been merged and are similar in mythology and in modern Christianity, which is just modern mythology that gives man something to believe in.  As man progresses he needs to create Gods to prove he that there is some all might power that guides us.  There is an all mighty power that has given us knowledge but is a God or just our own drive and remembrance of where we came from that has given us this great knowledge and the desire to better ourselves.   The goal of man is to better ourselves and become Gods.  We have this power in us so how do we channel it how do we better ourselves we do this by believing in ourselves and surrounding ourselves in social scenarios to feel better about oursleves and to share our knowledge and experiences.

The only thing I wonder did these ancient Gods have an influence on things were they just a superior being, that added man did they just come in forms that Ancient man would respect.  I often wonder did the Gods come as these forms because they believed ancient man would respect them in a different form.

All Ancient gods had an animal form or the form of great power like Thor or Zeus.

All i need to say is that we all have great power in us all.  We just need to challenge it and share our knowledge,and the wisdom that has been passed down to us.