Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One thing that I always wonder about

The more I see in life the more I wonder how certain people can actually function on a day to basis.

Where I am working I see this in one particular user. He has no clue and you tell him something and 10 minutes later he has forgotten what you tell him. If I walk by his desk he always has an issue with his computer. He will call me over and say I can't do this in this program I did it yesterday but there is no way he did since viewer programs for the most part don't let you edit things. They generally let you print and look at it on the screen.

I see this in my personal life as well as I am sure we all do and you just wonder. How is he or she able to walk upright.

They can't do to things together and if they do it takes so much concentration they screw it up or loose complete focus

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