Friday, June 25, 2010

The Dragon Dancer

In the night there is a person of beauty
In the night there is the most ravishing beauty in the world
In the night this raven haired beauty with silky hair
Dances with Dragon

The creature is as a tame as a kitty around her
The raven haired dancer rides atop the dragon
With her beauty radiating for the world to see
The Dragon Dancer atop the Dragon

The two together creating a poetic dance
The two together flowing as one
The Dragon is not in control nor is the Dragon Dancer
The beauty of the two together is pure heaven

It is like a scene made in heaven
The two are one
The Dancer atop the Dragon with her silky hair blowing in the wind
The dragon at peace with dancer

These two together bring a calm to the world around them
The Dragon and the Dancer as one

The Dancer atop so beautiful the Dragon Dancer controlling the Dragon
The Dragon Dancer displays confidence out of this world
The Dragon Dancer together with the Dragon
The Dragon Dancer taming the world around her
The Dragon dancer in complete control of the world around her
The Dragon Dancer so at peace she is aware of those that care for her

The Dragon Dancer so majestic upon the dragon her trust stead
The Dragon Dancer holding the key between worlds
The Dragon Dancer so miraculous upon her dragon
The Dragon Dancer the essence of life

The Dragon Dancer in control of the world around her
The Dragon Dancer my love
The Dragon Dancer my friend
The Dragon Dancer the truth in my life
The Dragon Dancer I am proud to call my life mate
Together the Dragon Dancer and I are one
Together we are equals above nothing else
The Dragon Dancer embraced in my arms
The Dragon Dancer in the arms of her dragon

In the Arms of her Dragon forever
And the Dragon in the embrace of the Dancer

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Even IT Personnel can be a little dense

I got a service desk ticket the other day where I am currently working and it was well unique to say the least.

Title on ticket can't email 2.5GB file.getting response back rejected by server
You would think as i did what the heck is someone e-mailing that is that large and why ....
After digging in further to the details in the ticket he was trying to upload 2.5GB to the FTP site.
I had to check the logs after getting clarification from the IT Admin at the site who well was as helpful as the ticket itself all he could give me was 550 Error which is as generic as the Red Car.

I checked in to the logs further at the time they were uploading it and six people were trying to upload the same block of files that totaled 2.5GB causing the server to refuse subsequent files since the first had control

Next day got a call ran out of space wnated to know how to delete files as they could no longer upload since they had reached quota and filed the disk in the process.  This again is the IT personnel ... ARGHHHH.
Brick wall would have been nice to bash head off of. .... well maybe foam softer.  I told him i have no idea what you need we just supply the space you control what is in it.  Delete what you don't need, or what you think you don't need

Alpha & Omega -2012 or not

How will the Earth End and how did it begin?

These are questions that have baffled mankind for eternity
Was the world created by God or was it created by a cosmic phenomenon
that took hundreds of years
Will the world be destroyed Satan with the rupture of
the Earth from within
Or will it be destroyed by the wrath of God
Or will it be destroyed by Nuclear fall out or the
destruction by a cosmic phenomenon

At the time of the End will God and Satan battle for control of Earth
causing the destruction of the planet

Are we already heading towards Omega by developing
all our Super weapons and by the wars all over the globe
Will it be God will it be Satan or will it be mankind
that brings the end to the Earth.?
Is the bible right or will the end never come to Earth
However you look at it Omega is possible
But how close is it to reality
And how will the world end up will the human race escape the wrath in time
to start over elsewhere

Where did life here come from was it brought from
another planet and are all the UFO sightings the life force
that put us here checking on our progress.
In time will they reveal the beginning to us
Or was the beginning created by God and can he destroy it all

Or will man control Earth’s destiny and destroy the planet before God and Satan get a chance.

At this time will there be a day of Judgment and will Earth be recreated as it states in Revelations

I guess these are answers mortal man will never now or will we.

Crazy world of Daycare Costs in Ontario

The one thing I can't figure out is why day care costs so much.  It is almost or in some cases a second mortgage.  However in this crazy world of ours it is impossible for one person to support a family
The average cost for a licensed day Care facility in Ontario is 40.00 per day minimum and they can have upto five kids total. That is good money the only thing how much does the home daycare provider actually get from the establishment she represents.

Day care rates are 40.00 per day = 200.00 per week = 800.00 per month for a total of 9600 per year.

We pay more for daycare for 1 child then we do for the mortgage on our house.  This doesn’t make sense  we have only 1 child and find this expensive multiple that by 2 and you get 19,200.  That rate is almost half of my salary (the factor of 2)
The government of Quebec subsidize day care making it affordable.

Here is the information from the Government of Quebec Website.
Province of Quebec

Child day care services at minimal cost

Early childhood centres offer places at $7 a day in day care centre-type facilities and family day care facilities, for children from 0 to 4 years of age. The for-profit day care centres that have entered into an agreement with the ministère de la Famille et des Aînés also offer these places.

Children in kindergarten and elementary school are also entitled to places at $7 a day in school day care facilities, under the reduced-contribution program of day care for children of school age. If the school does not offer day care services, early childhood centres with places available may accommodate the children at the same rate.

From the Government of Quebec site:

You can obtain the contact information of all Québec childcare centres and daycare centres and see their location on a map. The locator indicates childcare services in operation and under development that the ministère de la Famille et des Aînés has authorized and that are expected to open within the next 18 months. It is updated weekly.

As for home childcare services, the use of the search by proximity function allows you to determine whether there are home childcare services within the radius that you have specified. The search will display, as the case may be, the contact informaion of the coordinating offices to which the recognized home childcare providers pinpointed report. The coordinating office will facilitate your search among the providers of such childcare services.When you use the childcare establishment locator, you can refine your search in order to obtain the contact information for childcare services that offer reduced-contribution spaces ($7) or those that accept babies under 18 months of age.

Childcare service directories by administrative region (French only) are also available. The directories indicate the contact information for childcare centres, daycare centres and the coordinating offices of home childcare providers in each region of Québec.

From the Government of Quebec  website:

I have started a petition on facebook please join the group and make your voice heard .. change needs to happen!/group.php?gid=128916810463545

Printer Problems -- or Was it User or just ....

I work as an IT Consultant and things you see that make you go hmmm!!

One of my clients had a printer that died it had no power so I went to check it and sure if enough
It had no power I checked the connections, moved the power connection to another power outlet still nothing. Since the unit was under warranty I called HP.  The tech I got was a genius the first thing he said to me after I explained the issue is that I need to perform a self test on the printer to see what error code it is getting. I tried to explain to him the unit is dead and there is no power no lights on the unit nothing is working he insisted that he needed the error code so he could enter it in to the ticket.  Got love the first level techs who read off a piece of paper.

1. Ask user this
2. Then Ask this
they have no capacity beyond that and if you go beyond that step by step piece of paper oh now the world has come crashing down around them.

After ten minutes trying to get the genius to well think.
I responded will the error I am getting here is D E A D does that help. He then gave me the case #: so I could send it back under warranty.

This is not the end however of this story It got shipped back to the client when the repair work was completed and I got a call saying it was doing the same thing as before.

I went to the clients site plugged in the power and voila it started printing.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Crazy World of Taxes in Ontario

We pay tax after tax and where does it go does anyone really now
We pay Municipal Taxes, Provinvial Taxes, Federal Taxes, Gas Tax, Road Tax, Tire Tax; and then we have the emissions test money grab.

The following government set explains the taxes
but what I would love to know is how can we make our elected officials accountable for the tax collected and get services that benefit people as a whole instead of the pockets of politicians.

The one thing that drives me nuts is the purpose of taxes and no clear cut agenda or breakdown where it goes a business needs to be accountable to its stake holders for every penny.  The government should be the same and so should the politicians.  As Oscar Leroy says in Corner Gas "I pay your salary" when taking to the cops how true this is even for politicians.  We pay there salary and what do the really do for us other than pad there own pockets.  We also pay the civil servants and the bureaucracy of red tape that makes it harder and harder to get what is needed.
The Civil Servant Pay breakdown - Public Disclosure 2010

The Politicians salary Ontario compared to Canada the only info available is from 2007 - no raise in 3 years i doubt it.

Here's a look as of April 2007 (including tax free allowances).
Ont. MPP's Salary
2006: $88,700
Jan. 2007: $111,000
April 2007: $112,990

Ont. Cabinet Minister's Salary
2006: $126,000
Jan. 2007: $158,000
April 2007: $161,000

Premier Dalton McGuinty's Salary
2006: $159,000
Jan. 2007: $199,000
April 2007: $202,600

Across Canada
British Columbia: $76,100
Alberta: $83,024
Saskatchewan: $73,191
Manitoba: $73,512
Ontario: $$112,900
Quebec: $106,682
New Brunswick: $79,507
Nova Scotia: $65,556
Prince Edward Island: $56,459
Newfoundland and Labrador: $88,064
Yukon: $65,556
Nunavut: $68,953
Northwest Territories: $97,884
(within commuting distance, $103,506 for those who have to trav
Gas Tax
Gas tax rates as of 1992 the only info on the government of Ontario site i find this hard to believe that Gas tax hasn't changed since 1992
The Gasoline Tax rates last changed January 1, 1992.
  • Unleaded gasoline - 14.7¢ per litre
  • Leaded gasoline - 17.7¢ per litre
The Propane rates last changed January 1, 1990.
4.3¢ per litre

The new Beer and Wine Tax - 
from the government of Ontario website

Ontario is making changes that will affect Ontario's beer and wine industries.
Effective July 1, 2010, certain manufacturers' fees currently paid to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) by breweries, microbreweries and wineries will be replaced with beer and wine taxes. These taxes will be administered by the Ministry of Revenue.
Ontario beer, wine and wine cooler manufacturers will collect beer and wine taxes and remit them to the Ministry of Revenue. In addition, existing ministry practices will be applied as appropriate.
Purchasers of beer, wine and wine coolers from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) and consumers that make their own beer, wine and wine coolers will not be subject to the taxes.

I highly doubt that we the purchasers won't see any change do to this.   The suppliers will find a way to pass this on to us causing for increases at the hands of our greedy politicians.

We need to stop this lets make the politicians accountable as well as the beauracracy that is supposed to help us
I hope this little break down helps as i am sure like me you are just as frustrated this lack of fiscal responsibility is also at the Municipal level

Fathers Day 2010

We had a good Fathers Day!

We went to Earl Haig park in Brantford and hung out on the Lazy River and in the Waterpark
the Mattis wasn't sure at first of the pool in his life jacket.
He did enjoy the Lazy River though floating down on Mum or Dad on an inner tube and splashing with his legs over the side of the tube while being held.
He wasn't sure at first of the water mist area and sprinkler area but did seem to enjoy it.
We played mini-golf as well and the Mattis man hung in the stroller and slept but scored the better score as he was dreaming about it I am sure .... likley not but sounds good.

He feel asleep like a log after supper he was out before i left the room after putting the Mattis to bed