Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mattis Eating with a spoon

The little guy is growing he is now learning how to eat with a spoon and also be silly at the same time as well but ... it is a joy that is for sure

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fajita in the hair - Mattis

Stephen Duncan
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry

Friday, October 29, 2010

A quiet house

Last night the little guy was having a sleep over at Nana's.

Mel and I went out for dinner and when we came back after doing errands watched a bit of TV downstairs.

After watching TV went upstairs and could sense the little guy wasn't in is crib. The house seemed so quiet with out the little guy in his crib.  Even though he is  a quiet little sleeper the house is quiet without him.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It is amazing how people just don't get it

Where I work we deal with a company that remotes in and configures our lines. I need to explain 3 and 4 times what I want done. The frustrating part is we deal with them in text or email and outline everything as clear as possible.
In my instructions for example I will put in the following.
1. We need the unit to print when the count hits 10 bypassing the scale as a variable in the equation

Response: so you want me to eliminate the scale are you sure

I always feel like responding did you read what I just sent you. But I bite my tongue or control the fingers and reply yes.

This is what I deal with all the time clarification and reclarify and then asking is it plugged in can't see it anymore. It is so hard sometimes to control what I want to say and be diplomatic. Thank goodness to have my blog to complain to it helps me keep my sanity at times

The saga with this company is well interesting, simple things can take an afternoon a day or 2 of texting back and forth while testing it. The biggest problem they have is getting the units to print. I think that it is mostly since it goes to another server and says here u print I am to dumb. That it is as it takes for ever to configure it to send a print string of maybe 50 characters.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One thing that I always wonder about

The more I see in life the more I wonder how certain people can actually function on a day to basis.

Where I am working I see this in one particular user. He has no clue and you tell him something and 10 minutes later he has forgotten what you tell him. If I walk by his desk he always has an issue with his computer. He will call me over and say I can't do this in this program I did it yesterday but there is no way he did since viewer programs for the most part don't let you edit things. They generally let you print and look at it on the screen.

I see this in my personal life as well as I am sure we all do and you just wonder. How is he or she able to walk upright.

They can't do to things together and if they do it takes so much concentration they screw it up or loose complete focus

Friday, October 15, 2010

What does after lunch mean

I got a call today from a technician that was coming in at 11:55 saying he would be there after lunch. Which was fine to me as I had one thing I needed to finish up then I was going to grab lunch.

At 12:10 I get a call from security to tell me he was here. Is it me after lunch meant 12:30 - 1:00 since most companies take a half hour to an hour
I guess I was wrong about what after lunch means.

The joys of how people think

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why do people do things that make you go hmmm.

I see everything in what I do in this regard. The past few weeks I have seen a bunch of them.

Here is a list of them
1. Computer is plugged in no power. Ok I thought bad power supply or other issues went down to check out the problem at the far end of the plant. The issue was as follows everything was plugged in to the power supply including the power bar. Ok where is the electricity going to come from. I unplugged the power from the power bar and plugged it into the wall jack and voila power.

2. I also saw the same thing when I was testing items for an upcoming line inspection with Honda. This one was slightly different power bar plugged in to two outlet extension cord. The extenstion cord was the looped around the post where the electrical outlet was and was plugged back into the 2nd receptacle. Another case of where does electricity come from in your world.

3. Why do you need to send a 90MB file to yourself. The mail queue at work got bogged down today and crashed. I had a user who was trying to send a 90MB file to himself. WHY??

Oh well the wonderful world we live in it keeps us on our toes that is for sure